Ahhh, Fair Week. You have lost your appeal to me. Last week you came to town, lighting up the night and providing the perfect hangout for anybody and everybody.
I used to look forward to you all year long. To my own elephant ear and Norm’s fries.
To every Wednesday, when Grandma would go to the bingo tent and let my cousin and me ride all day and get to play one game each.
To riding The Zipper nonstop, never getting sick of spinning round and round and feeling like I’m going crashing to the ground.
Even to the animal buildings, that smelled so bad but had the cutest little pigs and ponies.
Those were the days.
But now I dread fair week. Fair food makes my belly hurt, and I can’t go on rides anymore without wanting to throw up. But not even those reasons are why I can’t wait for the week to be over.
Fair week is always the start of cross country practice. My team works in the grandstand when there is concerts. We usher people to their seats, and when the concert is over, we have to Clean Up.
YUCK. People’s empty beer cups, popcorn bags, pretzel cheese all over my (gloved) hands. Is it that hard to clean up after yourself?!
So how does Fair Week relate to these? Well, I don’t get home from cleaning the stands until late —–> get to bed late —–> not wake up in time for a real breakfast before practice —–> pop a few of these babies before my run.
They were a lifesaver! I hate running on a totally empty stomach so these were the perfect fix. I’m not an expert, but I think they have an ideal ratio of carbs/protein/fat. (I totally made that up.)

Oh no! You were that person to clean up after fairs….ick, that does not sound fun! But a great lesson about life….and you will always have good stories to tell
These do look great, I love the addition of quinoa. These would be a perfect post run snack….if only I hadn’t packed up everything already…..someday
Haha… yep, and now I will always respect janitors and the nastiness they go through!
Good luck on the move! I hope everything works out okay!
Yum! Yum! Yum! These look so good and now I need to get my hands on some chocolate peanut butter so I can make them!!
Thanks! Maybe you could melt some chocolate chips into regular peanut butter or just use the chips whole
Omigosh clean up sounds so bad! I don’t like the fairs nearly as much as I used to, mostly because the food makes my stomach hurt as well. I actually got really sick the morning after a carnival last year, so I’m off funnel cake for a while

These look really excellent
I’ll admit, a funnel cake still sounds good every once in awhile
I want to try making homemade!
Thanks girly
I used to love going to the fair. Can’t imagine what a nightmare the clean up must be! I’ll have to give these a try, other than breakfast or as a side dish, I haven’t really explored quinoa too much.
I don’t cook with it too often either, but every time I make it I wonder why I don’t do it more often. It’s so versatile!
I am literally obsessed with any and all energy bite recipes, and these look delicious! Major plus since I have all the ingredients.
I will definitely try these out STAT! 
Let me know if you like them!!
I’m the complete opposite- I love fairs haha! But I also love quick and easy energy bites like these that you can use in the morning when you’re in a rush. Great recipe!
Thanks girly! Haha it’s not that I actually hate the fair – I just hate what’s associated with it
Wow. What a gorgeous-looking recipe. I adore the addition of chocolate peanut butter! My boys would definitely love this in a lunchbox
Thank you
I bet they would!
Great recipe! I love the idea of using quinoa in this way, though I haven’t tried it yet. My fiance loves going to fairs…and while they were fun while I was little, I’m definitely not into it anymore! Too much yucky food and slobby people everywhere.
Try quinoa!! I waited so long to try it and once I did I wished I would’ve done it so much sooner!
Wow I LOVE everything you put into these balls. Quinoa, flax, chia seeds, honey and pb?! Ahh I need.
xoxo Sarah Grace, Fresh Fit N Healthy.
Right? You can’t go wrong with those ingredients!
Oof, any fair-carnival-type thing isn’t the place I ever REALLY wanted to be. Especially the rides…
But these energy balls look perfect for to-go snacking! I love bite-sized things and nut butter
The perfect combo, in my opinion
totally loving this recipe and how guilt free it is. need to make these energy balls, they are so perfect for my afternoon sweet treat.
Let me know if you make them!
These look right up my street – I love quinoa, chocolate and peanut butter.
Me too! You can’t go wrong with that combo!
I LOVE this recipe! Chocolate peanut butter is the perfect addition to the recipe, and I never thought about adding quinoa. I can’t wait to try them this weekend!
Let me know how you like them!
Oh wow -these look so darn good (and I love love love PB& Co’s Chocolate PB -the best!) Maybe you can sell these at the fair next year?
That is a GREAT idea! lol, I love it
I made peanut butter energy balls and applesauce ones last week to eat before xc practice, and they are so amazing. Mine were more similar to granola and didn’t have a lot of chocolate, so I’m totally making these this week (I’ll try to remember to Instagram them, but I always end up eating them all before I get the chance
) Also, I made your pb banana bread on thursday, and it’s already finished. I seriously took not one picture. So even though I don’t have photographic evidence of me devouring your bread, it was amazing! I’ve missed commenting on your blog! Hopefully I can get this whole senior year thing under control and come around this little slice of the internet more often- it’s one of my favs xx
Ahhh woohoo!! So glad you liked it!! But seriously, no pic?! That’s the first thing I do, before I let anybody even think about taking a slice
I’ve missed you!! But I totally understand how busy you’ve been – I start a week from tomorrow and I have no idea how I’m going to balance everything!
Aw I’m so sad to hear that fair week had turned into something awful for you
I hate when lovely child hood things get ruined.
These balls look super good though! Thanks for the lovely recipe. I hope you’ll make it through the week sweetie
Thanks Josefine! It’s all done now so life’s good
Yum these looks great!
I have been bad with my commenting lately, sorry! Those look delicious!!

Sara Hoffman recently posted…Week Recap: August 18th- August 24th
It’s okay, thanks girly!
these look so perfect for a post work out snack! I love the combination of chocolate and peanut butter, its so addictive!
Chocolate and peanut butter, banana and peanut butter… I think everything goes with peanut butter
thank you!
So are these no bake?? The recipe says cook time 2 hours 15 min but the directions don’t say anything about cooking. Just want to clarify so I don’t waste ingredients.
No cooking required! I must have wrote that to include the time in the fridge to make them more firm. Thanks, Tanya!
These look phenomenal. Only problem is I definitely could not eat just one!!
Haha! At least you don’t have to feel bad about eating more than one
I liked the combo of quinoa & oats – never thought of that before. The mixture was a bit wet so I added a 1/2 cup more oats. The flax taste was too strong for me so next time I’ll reduce the amount & add chopped peanuts for texture.
Thanks for the tips, Kelli! I hope you loved them