Happy International No Diet Day!
Saturday was a long, geocaching filled day. Have you guys ever heard of geocaching? It is so fun! Don’t ask me what it is, read about it here. The group in my area put together a series of events called “Spring Fever Reliever”. It’s been a long winter and everyone was itching to get out and cache! We were really lucky. The weather was absolutely beautiful! I hope it’s like that for my 5k next weekend!
They placed 20 new caches to find. Every one you found, you took a card with a ticket. Then they drew at the end for prizes!
8:00: Pan-a-cake breakfast! It was some awesome fuel for the day. Pancakes, sausage, eggs, and I brought a green smoothie. This breakfast never fails.
1:00: Flash Mob! “Star Wars” was the theme (May the 4th be with you) so I went as Princess Leia! I somehow squeezed in a 4 mile run right before this. No idea how.

5:30: Potluck dinner and drawings! I wasn’t really hungry since we had just gone for ice cream(!) so I sampled a few things from my mom’s plate. We brought a potato salad. Nothing special.

Our ticket got drawn second so we just missed the grand prize. Figures. But we did win a backpack and a t-shirt!
It was a marvelous experience and I’m really excited to go hardcore geocaching this summer. If you’ve never tried it, you need to!
Now, in honor of International No Diet Day, go have that cookie/brownie/donut/ice cream!
Haha they have a day for everything!! Love your outfit
And taco salads are awesome especially with extra guac!
They really do! Goodwill is the place to go for quick finds. You can get anything! Oh my goodness I’m surprised I didn’t eat the whole container. So yummy.