Hellooo Wednesday! You come so quick.
Breakfast yesterday was a typical one.

Since I have a green smoothie pretty much daily, I experiment a lot. I definitely like spinach more than kale. Peanut butter is a must.
I didn’t take a picture of lunch but it was pizza, salad, green beans, breadstick, and milk. I personally love school lunches. I have pizza every Tuesday and enjoy every bite.
Dinner. I’ve been wanting to try California Quesadillas for quite a long time and last night was the night. And honestly, they were not my fav. It was kind of depressing.
We didn’t add artichoke hearts but added romaine. Also used spinach tortillas.
I also do not know how to not burn things so that was sad. I had a little anger because I just got overwhelmed with eating, taking a picture, trying to not let the thing fall apart. I didn’t enjoy it very much. The dressing wasn’t great either.
I have neglected to share some other eats.
I was dying of starvation on Monday for some reason after school. Normal breakfast and lunch, weird. In the teachers’ lounge they had leftover pizza and I was so hungry I would’ve ate horse. This was chicken/alfredo/fajita. It was heavenly. Chicken, cheese, onions, tomatoes, spice. Probably something I would’ve never tried but I was so hungry and it was delicious.
Okay, I finally tried a Chobani. Chia seeds, granola, and strawberries made it in. It was yummy, but I’m not going to start eating them everyday. They do put a dent in the wallet! I do want to try the pineapple flavor though.
Dinner on Sunday- crockpot chicken and sweet potatoes with peas. Something must be wrong with me because I didn’t like the chicken. I guess it needs to be in something- I can’t eat it plain. Mom liked it though so it’s not bad, just me.
Recipe: Crockpot chicken and sweet potatoes
2 chicken breasts
2 sweet potatoes
1/6 cup brown sugar
2 tsp cinnamon
vegetable broth
Put sweet potatoes then chicken in crock pot
Mix brown sugar, cinnamon, and broth until liquidy
Pour into crockpot
Cook on low for 7 hrs
I wasn’t really into this post, you could probably tell. I just don’t really have the time right now to be super creative and edit and everything. Once May is over, I promise I’ll be more exciting
Thanks to Jenn for hosting the party!
Oh my goodness- spinach is SO much better in smoothies than kale is. And your crockpot chicken looks incredible- such a pretty presentation, too
Happy WIAW!
Whenever I’m out of spinach and have to use kale it’s hard… but if you put lots of peanut butter it helps a lot!