Posting 3 days in a row? I must have some free time, lol! It has been quite awhile since I took part in a WIAW… I’ve missed it!
This is Sunday’s eats. Well.. dinner at least! I didn’t take any other pictures
First: Church! My church just got a new priest and so far I really like him. I think he’ll really help the church!
shirt: Topshop
maxi skirt: Kohls
I am so happy I bought this maxi skirt. I was really unsure if I’d get the guts to wear it, but I love it! It was soo comfy.

The rest of the day was pretty chill. (I had run a half marathon the day before!) Then Mom and I headed over to my aunt’s house for dinner – chicken on the grill. I don’t really eat plain chicken so I had a bowl of cereal right before and wasn’t planning on eating there. When we got there I saw corn… and the chicken actually looked kind of good. I had eaten less than an hour before and it’s totally not in my normal. It’s like I’m scared of eating meals too close together.. but I ate there too!
I’m struggling right now with only eating when I’m hungry. I’m trying to eat 4 or 5 small meals rather than 3 big meals a day. It’s really big to me that I put aside that I had just ate and ate another meal! I know it bothers my family when we go to family dinners and I don’t eat there because it didn’t work in my “schedule”. And then I went back for a second plate!
And then my aunt brought out these…
I could have easily said no and not had any ice cream. But you know what, it sounded good, and I wasn’t going to deprive myself of it just because I hadn’t mentally scheduled it earlier! I’m getting a lot better with that. Months ago, I would have every meal planned 3 days ahead. I’m kind of liking not even knowing what my next meal will be. Don’t get me wrong, I would never starve myself or do any harm to my body. Sometimes I just feel like if I’m not careful of what I eat then I’ll end up back in my old body. I have to think of all the other changes I’ve made though, like exercising and just being more active.
Then we had a girls’ night with pedicures
Whew! I wasn’t planning on getting that wordy but it felt good to get out. I really think that I’m coming to a peace with my body. I love eating and am not going to worry about it. I think it’s okay that I have a huge appetite – doesn’t running burn tons of calories?
And a picture of Cleo just for good measure
Hope everyone’s doing great!
Looks like a fun day!! And we all treat ourselves once and a while
Ok.. so I really like to treat myself.. whatever 
Lol! I used to only crave dessert after dinner. Now it’s like after every meal haha!
Oh that ice cream looks amazing!! I always have dessert after dinner, and it’s usually ice cream

Awe Cleo is so cute! I love how stretched out she is!
Ice cream is its own food group for me, haha! She’s adorable
Running does burn a ton – ~100 calories per mile. At the pace you run, more. You definitely need to fuel, and by the looks of you, you definitely don’t need to worry about what you eat!
Thank you
I’m getting so much better!
Love your style!
– KW
Thank you!
Look at that fancy new header! Love it! And That’s awesome that you broke the schedule mindset- it’s exhausting to have restrictions like that. It took me ages to stop planning meals ahead too (Thank goodness that era is over!) I love that ecard it’s so true haha!!
Thanks girlie- still have some work to do on the blog but it’s getting there! As are my food issues