Yesterday started right – cross country running group! “Official” practice starts on August 12th, so these are just open runs. We did mile repeats and my splits were: 7:24, unknown, 7:07, 6:49. Then I jogged home for a total of 5. Pretty good, I’d say!
I came home to a delish green smoothie, then talked to my mom about plans for the day. There was nothing on the agenda! We weren’t really sure what to do, and finally we decided to take a ride out to the lighthouse!
We had a picnic of Subway (footlong turkey & avocado!) while enjoying the lighthouse view.
Then after about a mile hike on the trail and seeing lots of wildlife,
we went and found a Geocache!
We took lots of pictures in and on top of the lighthouse.
Then when I got home, my dad called and asked me to go to see Grown Ups 2! Honestly, it wasn’t that great of a movie at all. Really predictable and not the best acting. The first one was better. But, I got to spend some time with him, Lynn, and my brother so it’s all good!
At the movies I wasn’t planning on getting anything since I had already eaten dinner. But a pretzel sounded really good… so I got one! Then I got ice cream after! (Not that I don’t ever eat ice cream… I just hadn’t “planned” it earlier)
Sometimes I like to wonder at the beginning of the day what the day will bring. Then I think of how I’ve changed, even if it’s just making a small step!
What sports did you play in high school?
Seen any good movies lately?
Adorable pictures!
I played softball from third grade through high school (in HS it was fast pitch though) and I LOVED it. I also danced for two years. Surprisingly, never loved running… it was an acquired sport for me 
Thank you
I’m so happy I found a love for running so early!
Love the staircase pic!!
Thanks! It’s such a neat place!
Beautiful pictures. I love running with the team too!! (: you are so fast!
Thanks girlie!