Hey everyone! It’s a great day because it’s WIAW! i.e. my favorite day of the week. These are Monday’s eats!
I came home from cross country and I couldn’t even do 8 minute abs because I was so. hungry. I didn’t eat breakfast before practice which wasn’t one of my best ideas… I barely made it home. So I had toast, then did 8 minute abs, then had a green smoothie. It was a big deal that I changed my routine and ate before 8 minute abs! And since I was so rushed I didn’t take a picture… so here’s yesterday’s breakfast, the exact same thing, just eaten at once
I ate lunch around 3 (due to my lake breakfast). Then I found out we were going to my dad’s for dinner, and I started getting stressed. What if I don’t like what’s for dinner? What if I’m not hungry? I felt so bad. I hated the feeling I had.

Eventually it went away and I wanted dinner. We went over there to have chicken and pork chops on the grill. Nothing I really wanted, but I made a compromise. I’d take a chicken breast and make a salad!
I had a nice time at dinner and enjoyed my time there! I made this salad, and it was so good. Also we had some steamed garden fresh broccoli on the side
It was that good, I made it again for dinner last night
It was fun hanging out at Dad’s, especially since I got to drive the dune buggy!
Today I’m off to go hiking at Pictured Rocks with the altar servers from church! See ya later!
I wish I could drive a dune buggy …
It so fun!
That salad looks sooooo yummy and colorful! Love it!
I used to try to not eat before my runs because I didn’t think it would sit well, but I now find that if I don’t have anything before I run, I get terrible side cramps and come back ready to eat the entire kitchen! Thankfully I’ve learned my lesson and always grab something as I head out the door
I can’t really run or do my workouts on an empty stomach. I usually have an apple at least… Salad looks really good by the way!
I only can if they’re super early in the morning. Thank you!