Well, here’s to another Monday, another week of school starting.
Marvelous… finding a Homecoming dress! No pic, you guys have to wait until the actual dance
Marvelous… finally buying almond butter!! Maranatha of course. It is marvelous. I can’t believe I’ve went so long without it.
Not so marvelous… catching the bus at 7:20. #freshmanprobs
Marvelous… $5 footlongs at Subway for SUBtember! I eat it all for dinner but it would be great to take half for lunch!
Marvelous… starting church youth group! My new priest is really into the kids and he got one together. We have plans to go whitewater rafting, go mountain biking, play volleyball, and (my favorite) make dinner! I’m so excited!
Marvelous… coming home to zucchini brownies. Thank you, Mom!
Marvelous… starting piano lessons again today! I’m off in the summer, and I’m ready to start back up!
Marvelous… taking the weekend off from running. I hadn’t had an off day for over a week and it just felt right to take it easy. It felt great, and now I’m super ready for my meet tomorrow!
Marvelous… new spikes! I’ve never had a pair before but I saw all the xc runners had them on. Plus, only $17 at runningwarehouse.com!

Well, I think that’s all I got today. Not many pics, but just some randoms to catch up on! See ya later!
That almond butter picture is seriously adorable. I love almond butter too, so that’s totally something marvelous! You’re so pretty Leigha!
Katherine recently posted…Tuesday Thoughts.
Aww, thank you Katherine! <3
I can’t wait to see your homecoming dress! I miss shopping for homecoming/prom dresses… SO much fun!

Allie recently posted…Proposing to my maid of honor and bridesmaids
I’m surprised I actually decided! Normally I can never make decisions!
Wow. 17 dollars for shoes is a great deal!
Homecoming dress shopping… Eh. Not the most pleasant of memories for me. Kind of stressful. Lol.
Normally it’s super stressful for me too. I’m amazed that I decided on one!
Good luck at your meet tomorrow! You will totally kill it. I really wish you lived near me so we could run together so I could get faster, but oh well.
Love the spikes! And yeah … youth groups are the BEST

Liz @ The Girl on Fire Now recently posted…I’m sensing a pattern
That would be so fun to run together! I would definitely recommend getting spikes. They helped so much!
That is such a great deal on running shoes! I need to check that place out! Homecoming dress shopping brings me back to long hours of shopping with my mom and her face light up when I finally find the perfect one
I’m sure you picked a gorgeous one out 

Mandie Marie @ The Fruitful Turtle recently posted…I’m Back and Motivated!
I love it! It was one of those moments when you know it’s perfect
mmm zucchini brownies….

I would love to come home to those!
Taylor @simplysweetfashion.wordpress.com recently posted…WIAW #1
So yummy!
$17 ?!! That’s awesome! I can’t wait to see your dress

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