shirt: Apt 9
jeans: Abercrombie & Fitch
boots: Candies
Breast Cancer Awareness Day!
shirt: Apt 9
jeans: American Eagel
flats: Lauren Conrad
shirt: Sonoma
leggings: Wet Seal
boots: A2 aerosoles
Lazy day!
I got the sweatshirt at Scheels for $35. I had been wanting a North Face sweatshirt forever so I bought it! For me, spending over $20 on anything is hard so this is a big deal! I may or may not have worn the same leggings two days in a row
Since my big meet is tomorrow I wore team stuff today!
In other news, my grandma was admitted to the hospital yesterday. Nothing too serious, she just had to get a stent put in. We’re lucky that she went in now instead of later though – it could have led to a heart attack!
Please keep her in your prayers, and have a great weekend!
Praying for your Grandma!
And all your outfits look awesome, as usual
Liz @ Carpe Diem and Run recently posted…I’ve been waiting for this for a bit …
Thanks girl!
I know I already tweeted you about this post, but I seriously love your outfits! You dress so nicely! I love your lazy day outfit. That’s how I look most of the time! Woops!

Katherine recently posted…The Peanut Butter Swimmer? Not Sticking to the Status Quo.
I haven’t checked the blog twitter in forever.. oops
Thanks girl!
I will definitely be praying for your grandma! I’m glad to hear she caught the problem before it escalated too much!
I love your outfits, especially Wednesday’s!

Allie recently posted…So much creation!
Thank you