Look at my neighbor’s pumpkin display.
Isn’t it awesome? My weekend was pretty marvelous, too!
Friday night I went to a bonfire at my friend’s. First we carved pumpkins!
There was so much yummy food. Caramel apples, cupcakes, chocolate covered pretzels, hot cocoa, and apple cider!
I slept in Saturday and enjoyed a relaxed morning. Then I went on a walk with mom before getting ready to volunteer at the children’s halloween carnival! Guess what my costume was?
Are you surprised?
That was from 12:30-3. This girl right here owns the local pizza shop so after we got some cheesesticks! I used to live off of these, pizza, and pasta. Oh how things have changed!
Then it was time to get ready for my 5k!
It was a very different 5k. Periodically during it we had to do things such as pushups, situps, burpees, army crawl, carry sandbags, and tire flipping! (I may have needed help with that last one )
It might be the most fun I’ve ever had during a race! I loved just running for fun. I don’t even know what my time was. I was so tired at the end!
After the run I headed over to another friend’s for some more fun! This one was a cross country group. Even though the season’s over we still get together – we’re a family! I didn’t actually take any pictures. We carved pumpkins and went to this place called the “Goblin Trail”. It’s a trail way out in the middle of nowhere you walk through with a group and people scare you! They jump out at you, you crawl through tunnels, one guy chases you with a chainsaw, other times you’d look back and somebody would be right behind you! It’s about a mile long and it took us 45 minutes. It was worth the hour long wait!
We headed back to her house and watched “House at the End of the Street”. Has anyone ever seen it before? Weeeird movie! One of them where you see the ending and it changes the whole thing…
Yesterday morning I had to miss church for a can drive for a club I’m in called Youth in Government. We were raising money for our big trip in March to Lansing!
One house gave us $10 in beer bottles. Not even joking.
I got home, took a much needed nap, then went to my basketball scrimmage. Good weekend!
Have you carved pumpkins yet?
Ever been through a haunted trail?
Funnest race you’ve ever done?
I am so jealous of all the awesome Halloween things you did! I feel like there are zero Halloween things going on here! It’s so sad!
Aurora@Fitness is Sweet recently posted…MIMM-Holiday Cheer
you should have a pumpkin party! Bake something and carve some! 
I have YET to carve my pumpkin this year. I need to think of a really creative or funny design
I usually draw out various ideas before digging in.
Usually I just print off a cool design, I’m a cheater
or I’ll just do something super generic! I’m not very creative!
Sounds like an amazing weekend!

Liz @ Carpe Diem and Run recently posted…Smile at the Mirror Sunday (10/27)
Oh it was