Pancakes have been my jam lately.
very berry multigrain hot cakes – big boy
pumpkin pancakes with pumpkin butter
And a new recipe coming your way –
For those of you that don’t know, a yooper is someone who lives in Michigan – above the Mackinac Bridge, in the Upper Peninsula. I am proud to call myself a yooper! We’re known for our wild growing blueberries and pure maple syrup. Although not many yoopers would have any clue how to pronounce “quinoa” or sprout a lentil, that’s okay because they make these!
I went the traditional way and topped mine with butter and local maple syrup. Try some Greek yogurt and more mashed berries!
I made these on Sunday and again last night. Sunday I made four huge pancakes and yesterday I made 6 medium. You could easily make a whole bunch of mini ones too! (which would be a lot easier to flip ) You can half the recipe to make a single serving.
I think my photo editing is getting a lot better too now all I need is a real camera instead of using my iPhone!
Happy WIAW!
Leigha!! Your pictures are awesome
I sometimes use all the facial editing tools on Pic Monkey (Like I “spray tan” my toast LOL). And YES to pancakes!
Sunnie@ModernGirlNutrition recently posted…Sweet Potatoes with Honey, Coconut, and Pecans
Aww thanks Sunnie!
hahaha sometimes the weirdest effects give you the best results!
I’m drooling. Oh my goodness!!

Miranda @ Lovely Wife Lovely Life recently posted…WIAW 11/6- A different day
Hehe thanks girl!
Yum I love pancakes!

Molly@This Life is Sparkling recently posted…{Almost} Wordless WIAW
Oh me too
carby goodness!
Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Those pancakes look really good.
I was wondering if you were British as you like pasties, I adore them
Sarah S recently posted…What I Ate Wednesday #20
I love your new header and your pancakes looked so good!

Liz @ Carpe Diem and Run recently posted…Workout Wednesday (11/6) (1 day late)
Thank you Liz! It’s actually the old one… just making it work until I get the blog redone!
I love learning about your region in Michigan, it sounds really interesting to me!
Your pancakes looks delish, too!

Allie recently posted…More life stuff
It is such a great place, I’m lucky to live here! And thanks