Hi, everyone! Did you notice the new blog design?! I think it’s much more me than the previous one! Today I thought it would be fun to answer a little Christmas survey. Let’s get started!
1. What do you want for Christmas?
I wrote a whole post on that here!
2. If you still get presents from family: What do you think you are getting this year?
I’m pretty sure I’m getting an iPod shuffle. Other than that, I don’t know! I really hope I get a Garmin!

3. Do you open presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?
Some presents from my family I open on Christmas Eve but I open my presents from “Santa” on Christmas Day!

4. How early do you usually wake up on Christmas Day?
I was never one of those kids that woke up at crazy hours of the morning to open presents. I’ll probably get up around nine!

5. Favorite food/drink to eat/drink on Christmas?
Pecan rolls for breakfast! I don’t really like our traditional Christmas dinner – ham and casserole.
6. Do you prefer “giving” or “getting”?
To be honest I like getting (who doesn’t?). I really wanted to give special gifts this year but I didn’t get around to making anything! There’s always next year.. that’s what I said last year.
7. Did you decorate the outside of your house?
I don’t have any outlets outside to hang lights but I have two wreaths on my door!
8. Have you ever been able to sleep on the night of Christmas Eve?
It’s a little harder to fall asleep but other than that, no.
9. What’s your favorite Christmas movie and song?
The Polar Express! I think my favorite song is Night of Silence/Silent Night. I heard it for the first time this year and it’s so beautiful!
10. On a scale from 1 to 10, how excited are you for Christmas this year?
Probably a 7. For some reason I don’t feel as excited as I used to in the past!

And I big happy birthday to Grandpa Chuck today! The big 7-7!
I don’t plan to post anymore before Christmas, so I hope that everyone has an amazing one filled with lots of family, friends, and food!
Answer any of the questions!
Holy cow- those pecan rolls!
They’re my favorite! I may or may not be guilty of eating a whole pan..
Just found your blog and love it! I wish I had started blogging back in high school! Very impressive!

Sarah @ Sweet Miles recently posted…Last Minute Running Gifts!
Thanks, Sarah! Your blog is adorable!
As much as I love giving stuff to my family (especially my sister – we can practically read each other’s minds on what we want), I also love getting.
No shame. Happy happy birthday to your Grandpa!

Jess @ Story of a Girl recently posted…Finding Confidence
I’m sure that will change as we get older! He says thank you
No shame in admitting it’s fun to get presents. Who doesn’t love a good present!? Have a Merry Christmas!!

Molly@This Life is Sparkling recently posted…Christmastime
Right?! Thanks Molly, you too!
Wouldn’t a Garmin be amazing!! I would love one too! And those pecan rolls! Aaah!!
It would be soo amazing! The pecan rolls are the best
I always woke up super duper early – I’m hoping for a Garmin too! I love the new look

Liz @ Carpe Diem and Run recently posted…I’ll Be MIA
Thanks Liz! Here’s to hoping for Garmins!!
I always was up at the crack of dawn with my sister! One year we had all of our presents opened by 7:30am… the rest of the day seemed VERY long
I love your new layout!

Miranda @ Lovely Wife Lovely Life recently posted…MIMM #36- Up to my eyeballs
Thanks girl! Etsy… $35! One year I actually did wake up early and there were no presents yet… sooo now I wait until I know they’re there!
This was so much fun to read, and I love the pictures!! So cute. Also, I love the new blog design!

Allie recently posted…The best kind of comfort
Thanks Allie!! Merry Christmas
Isn’t Christmas the best?! Your expression is priceless in that picture with the money haha!!!
hope you had a great holiday girl!
My 9 year old self thought she was hot stuff hahaha
I hope your Christmas was great also!
I love the new blog design! It looks really good!

Sara recently posted…Meet Garmie Junior
Thanks Sara! I’m super happy with it!