I had a marvelous weekend! It started with a long run on Saturday morning. When I was about a mile from being done, I got stopped by a train for 10 minutes. Oh well, nothing I could do about it!
Refueled with a green smoothie and pumpkin oatmeal. A little bit later I went cross country skiing with mom! It was so pretty out.
We went to grandma’s house for dinner. I used to love her meatballs, but I haven’t eaten them for years. Guess what I ate?
I’ve been missing out for too long! Brownies and oatmeal bars for dessert.
We got invited to two dinners on Saturday so we ate dinner twice. Another fish fry!
Did anyone see the sunrise yesterday? It was absolutely beautiful! #nofilter
I woke up early on Sunday to run with Laura! She just got back from Jamaica. So jealous! We did 4 miles.
I didn’t have enough time to make a real breakfast before church so I made Quest Bar cereal – a quest bar rolled into little chunks. It was so good!
I went to open gym then had a team dinner.
My mom went shopping yesterday.
I got so many new things I’m super excited to try! I’m set for a while!
Lastly, guess who’s birthday is in 5 days? Not that I’m counting or anything Have a great Monday!
What is your favorite Bob’s Red Mill product?
Do you cross country ski?
All of your meals look DELICIOUS – especially the Quest bar cereal! How is it that you can do literally anything with those bars?!
You are going to LOVE that coconut flour – try it in yogurt, oatmeal, and microwave muffins. 

Emma @ Life’s A Runner recently posted…Maintaining Stressful Sanity
Thanks for the tips! I wasn’t really sure what to put it in! I agree – you can do anything with a Quest bar!
I have a whole thing of coconut flour I don’t know what to do with either! Haha such a problem
Jealous of your 10 mile run!

Miranda @ Lovely Wife Lovely Life recently posted…MIMM #39- full of celebrating!
I have this thing where I buy food but I never use it haha.. I never want it to be gone, even though I can buy more!
Sounds like a blast!! I love having running buddies
The only time I tried cross country skiing was in 7th grade and I made it a point to count how many times I fell. It must have exceeded 15 or so!

Kaitlin recently posted…Marvelous with Meghan in Manhattan
I only fell once on Saturday and that’s because I turned around to say something to my mom
Ahhh I didn’t know your birthday was so soon!! I LOVE birthdays – we’re almost exactly 2 years apart!!!!!! (My bday is in a month)! Congrats on the awesome long run – the longest I got this week was 5 miles, haha. It looks so freakin beautiful where you live, that snow is amazing! I wish I could cross country ski! Have a lovely day!

Jess @ Story of a Girl recently posted…Life Goes On
I really do live in a beautiful place! You have to come visit
5 miles is still pretty dang good! You have a great day too
btw, I LOVED yoga yesterday!
Happy almost birthday! I’m super jealous of your long runs

Liz @ Carpe Diem and Run recently posted…Why I Love the Farm Show
Thanks girl! I love my weekend long runs!
Looks like a fun weekend with lots of great eats! That’s so awesome that you went cross country skiing with your mom.

Happy early birthday too! Hope this week is wonderful!
Alison @ Daily Moves and Grooves recently posted…Weekend Confessions {MIMM #19}
Thank you! So far it’s been good
Okay, so I’m a bit ashamed to say this since I live in Wisconsin…but I have yet to go cross country skiing! It’s something I’ve been saying I’ll do the last few years and I just have NOT made it happen. It looks so fun, though. And a great way to get outdoors in winter. I really, really think I should finally make it happen this year!
P.S. That cinnamon swirl peanut butter is my LOVE. I always “dig” for the raisins

elise recently posted…A little family addition! (MIMM)
You HAVE to try it this year! I agree – it is such a good way to get outdoors! I live very close to Wisconsin. I’m in the Upper Peninsula!
I’ve never tried the pb before, but it just sounded so good I had to buy it!
Wow, what a great run! But 10 minutes for a train?? That’s terrible, you must have been so antsy. Do you jog in place or just wait? (: I like to keep moving but I hate looking stupid.. What a beautiful sunset. And I’ve never been cross country skiing- that seems really cool, I would love to try it someday (:

Emily @smilemilegirl recently posted…Happy 17th, Andrew
Yes, 10 minutes! I went through 4 songs, so probably longer than that actually! I kind of jogged, kind of did stretches haha… there was a build up of cars so I was self concious! You have to try xc skiing. If you come here to Michigan I’ll take you
Another January baby! With Birthday Week in mind it’s only obvious you’re counting down the days.

I’ve only done cross-country skiing a couple of times years ago though I actually have/had [assuming my dad gave them away] my own pair of cross-country ski. The surroundings of where you live look so pretty they might have convinced even me to try cross-country again though I prefer downhill skiing.
We don’t get Bob’s Red Mill products over here but if you haven’t tried coconut flour before let me tell you it’s amazing! A staple for me and so versatile and delicious.
Miss Polkadot recently posted…Currently … January
You really should try it again! It is such a good way to get outside in the winter. I’m really lucky – I have so many beautiful trails very close to my house!
All of your food (especially your dessert hahah
) looks to die for!! And great job on your runs! I would LOVE to become more of a runner, but I go through stages where I can’t get enough, then take a break and have a hard time starting up again. You should give me some tips on how you keep it up! 

Christine@ Apple of My Eye recently posted…Honey Orange Chicken Stir Fry
The main reason I run is so I can eat so much
you should consider signing up for a half, that way you’ll have to follow a training plan and you’ll run more!
What a fun weekend! I find it crazy that you just go outside and ski. I’m from the south and I have never seen snow!! Haha. Awesome long run! Happy early birthday!!!!

Sara Hoffman recently posted…Confessions of a lulu-holic
You’ve never seen snow?! That’s crazy!! And thanks girl
Oh my gosh all that food looks so good.

Molly@This Life is Sparkling recently posted…First [WIAW] of the year
Haha thanks girl, it was