Yay for WIAW! I’m gonna keep this post short and sweet since I got home really late last night (basketball game!) Here are Monday’s eats!
Favorite school day breakfast. I don’t have time to make my 20 minute oatmeal on the stove so overnight oats it is! In an empty peanut butter jar…. <3
Still going strong with the apple and turkey/mayo/pesto/tomato/spinach sandwich.
I tried my first KIND bar! It was so good – I need to buy more!
My mom made these asian noodles in a peanut sauce thing. For being from a box, they were pretty good! We added broccoli, a scrambled egg, and more peanut sauce. It was a lot bigger than it looks – I had a hard time finishing it!
I ended the night with a little square of chocolate. It’s the perfect size for a little treat before bed!
That’s all for today! I’ve got a busy day ahead – tutoring, practice, then CCD. Happy Wednesday!
I love OIAJ! My absolute favorite breakfast that I haven’t had in forever!
Miranda @ Lovely Wife Lovely Life recently posted…Chocolate Caramel Protein Mugcake
Oooh you have to make them soon! I hate making them at night, but it’s so nice in the morning when breakfast is already made!
Those microwave peanut noodles sound good! Good idea with the added egg too- I bet that made it much more sustainable. I’ll have to see if we have any Annie Chun frozen dinners in our grocery stores. Lately my brother has been packing lunch instead of gross cafeteria food… And the one day while I was still home I heated up a bag of orange chicken for him. A more economical (that bag was $8!!) and a little variety would be nice though.
Have a great day Leigha!

Eating 4 Balance recently posted…Theirs, Mine, and Ours
They were actually dry, not even frozen! I’d recommend it for a quick dinner. I hate cafeteria food too!
I hope you had a great day too
What OOIAJ recipe do you use?? I love OOIAJ (: And I’ve never tried a kind bar, but I really want to!!

Emily @smilemilegirl recently posted…Happy 17th, Andrew
I do 1/2 cup oats, 1/2 a banana, a few spoonfuls of greek yogurt, almond milk, and chia seeds! I don’t really measure
Gahh overnight oats are my favorite! And those peanut noodles look delicious! Also loving your dessert— Reese’s are the bomb.

Alison @ Daily Moves and Grooves recently posted…WIAW: I See a Theme…
I love Reese’s! I got a huuuge bar for Christmas and a little square is perfect every night
I love ending my day with some chocolate too
Those noodles sounded delicious so good considering they were from a packet.

Jan @ Sprouts n Squats recently posted…Thinking out loud – fitness edition
Yes! If you’re ever in a hurry or just don’t feel like really making something, they are great! Hope you are having an awesome day
Sounds like a great day of eating to me! Although I eat so much I think I would be struggling with your intake, I am like a vaucuum sucking up all the food around haha! I LOVE the peanut butter, you put that in your overnight oats? Peanut butter and company make THE BEST peanut butter, have you tried the white chocolate one? That one is so addictive, I eat that with a spoon within a few days! Whoops! Cant buy it too often! Great post Leigha

Tina Muir recently posted…Gluten Free Cooking…10 days in
Thanks Tina! I’ve definitely noticed a decrease in my appetite since cross country ended
I’m so jealous of how much you can eat! And yes, once the pb jar is empty I put my oats into it! It’s SO yummy, you have to try it! Every bite has a little bit of pb! I have a white chocolate in my pantry but I haven’t opened it yet because I’m trying to save it (weird ocd? I hoard food rather than eat it!) Have a lovely day! 
Very yummy eats! I’ve tried overnight oats but mine turned out gross.. How do you make yours?

Sara Hoffman recently posted…Confessions of a lulu-holic
Oh no! I use 1/2 cup oats, 1/2 banana or one small one, a few spoonfuls of greek yogurt, chia seeds, and almond milk. I just do everything in layers! I really hope you get them to turn out yummy!