Finally… Friday! It’s been a long week. I didn’t get home until after 10 on both Tuesday and Thursday so I am just exhausted! Picking out my outfits the night before has been so important because it saves those precious moments in bed in the morning. Here are the week’s outfits!
shirt: Derek Heart
jeans: Lauren Conrad
scarf: Kohls
boots: a2 aerosoles
Why don’t I do sock buns more often?! They’re so easy and look adorable!
Game day!
polka dot sweater: Shopko (clearance rack!)
black jeggings: Lauren Conrad
boots: Fashion Bug
Game day!
sweater: Gilligan & O’Malley
tights: Claires
boots: Candies
necklace: Vanity
And there ya go! I secretly like when I have two away games because I have an excuse to wear sweatpants twice I have another game tomorrow so that will take up most of the day!
Do you pick your outfits out the night before?
What are you doing this weekend?
Wow – I remember those out past 10 (or for me, past 11!!!) days! Tech week is always crazy for me!

I love your outfits, as usual
Liz @ Carpe Diem and Run recently posted…Thinking Out Loud
Love the infinity scarf!
Alison @ Daily Moves and Grooves recently posted…Fascinating Friday Links #23
Thanks girly
I love how stylish you are even at such a young age. I think by this time my freshman year of high school I wore sweatpants like every other day

Molly@This Life is Sparkling recently posted…Insta as-of-late
Love all of it!!
I would use that scarf as a pillow to sleep in class hehe 

Sunnie@ModernGirlNutrition recently posted…Speaking of Which
I’ll have to remember that next time I wear it
SO much cute in this post! The scarf… the yellow leggings… your boots… your adorable sock bun! I still need to try that sometime!
Have a great week!

Allie recently posted…Four Words Per Picture
Aww, thanks Allie! You HAVE to try the sock bun
Have a lovely week also!
Great fashion friday! That sock bun is so cute! I definitely put my clothes out the night before or else I spend way to long figuring out what I want to wear

Sara recently posted…Week Recap: February 1st- February 8th
I love your outfits! I wish we were allowed to wear casual clothes In school, but we had to wear a pretty gross uniform, and only once a year could we wear what we want (even then there were strict rules) as long as we brought a gold coin charity donation in.

Aimee @The Healthy Petite recently posted…Spill it Sunday #1 and Week Planner
Sometimes I wish I had to wear a uniform because then I wouldn’t have to worry about picking out clothes. But then I wouldn’t have anywhere to wear my real clothes so I guess I’m happy I can wear whatever I want!