Happy Monday, everyone! I don’t have school today (thanks, Presidents!). I really don’t have much to say and I got tagged to do a Liebster Award, so why not? First, a quick recap of the weekend.
A fabulous dinner on Valentine’s Day!
Basketball game. We won!
Cross country skiing with Bridget! We actually covered 7 miles. It didn’t feel like that much at all! Time flies when you’re having fun, right? I’m not sore yet… we’ll see as the day goes on!
And grandma’s for dinner. Meatballs, potatoes, veggies, rolls, and strawberries!
Okay, Liebster Award time! I’ve never done one before! Here are Emily‘s questions:
1. What is your favorite place (in the whole world!) and why?
Hmmm. I don’t want to pick a place I’ve never been to, so I’ll say my bed. There is nothing I like more than hitting the sheets after a long day! Otherwise I really like Paris.
2. What is your favorite season?
Definitely summer! Every day just being able to enjoy nature and do whatever I please. Fall comes in a close second – perfect running weather and so pretty!
3. What is the best recipe you’ve ever tried?
Seriously, Emily? You’re making me pick one recipe? Probably my banana bread. I haven’t posted it on the blog yet, but when I do, you guys are in for a serious treat.
4. How were you named?
My mom had liked the name Leah since her childhood and she got the different spelling from a girl named Leigh-Ann. I used to hate the spelling of my name but now I’m coming to like how unique it is! I just don’t like how I can never find my name on any of those keychains…
5. Coffee or tea or neither?
NEITHER. Coffee = nasty. I guess tea is okay but I haven’t really found one that I really like yet! Any recommendations?
6. If you could travel anywhere in the world with no budget, but you only got to go to one place, where would you go?
HOW can I only pick one place?! No budget, so it’s got to be somewhere expensive. Maybe Austrailia? It seems beautiful there! Plus kangaroos!
7. What is your most embarrassing moment? (I love hearing these!)
None really stick out to me. I guess in second grade I puked while running out of the classroom to the bathroom. I used to get embarrassed about everything but I don’t get embarrassed easily anymore!
8. What is your biggest accomplishment to date?
I could go a lot of ways with this one… running a half marathon, giving a speech at 8th Grade Recognition, or raising $2,000 for Boston. But really, I’d say the one that I’m most proud of is overcoming depression and recovering from an ED. In no way am I completely recovered, but I had the strength to choose recovery and I’m pretty proud of that! That post is in my drafts
9. Would you rather have an extra hour to cook dinner each night or go out to eat each night?
I’m going the opposite way of everyone else on this one. I would definitely rather go out for dinner! I like cooking, but I can never decide what to make. I love going out because I don’t have to do anything but order!
10. And because I love the question, what do you love about yourself?
I guess I like my determination! Once I start something, I’m going to finish it. I think I’m a very caring person and I always try to help people whenever I can!
I would tag 10 people, but pretty much everyone has already filled this out. So answer any of these questions in the comments or answer them all in a post! Hope you are all having a marvelous day!
I would pick Europe for my all expensive paid trip.
I’ve never been… the closest thing to the Eiffel Tower has been Vegas.
Julie recently posted…MIMM: Valentine’s Day weekend/BLEND
The closest I’ve been to Europe is an Eiffel Tower trinket my grandma bought me! lol
I think Christian and I decided last night that if we had unlimited money, we’d travel across Europe

Miranda @ Loving Every Mile recently posted…mimm #44 {crisis averted}
YES. I’ll come with
Yay!! Thanks for using my questions. I feel special
Great job winning your basketball game. How exciting!
I think my bed is one of my favorite places as well.. no shame.
I LOVE YOUR ACCOMPLISHMENT. You’ve done so many great things but that really shows your true strength. <3

Emily @smilemilegirl recently posted…Monday Miles #3
Thanks Emily
I couldn’t have done everything without the support of the blogging community!
Congrats on winning your basketball game

Haha I puked in kindergarten, right before Brown Bear Brown Bear! I almost threw up on the girl in front of me, and she still doesn’t like me.
I nominated you for Liebster as well, sorry for the repeat!
Liz @ Carpe Diem and Run recently posted…Monday Miles #5
Oh no!! It’s alright, I’m sure I’ll do it again sometime
Edinburgh is definitely my favorite place.
I love reading the answers to Liebster questions!

Allison Leighann recently posted…One Of My Favorite Drinks
Edinburgh looks beautiful! Yes, I love reading the answers too
thanks for stopping by!
I loved reading about your accomplishments!!! You go girl!!!! Not many people your age (or any age) can say they’ve run a half marathon, won a race, and beat depression AND and ED. You rock, chica.
Gah, why didn’t I choose my bed as my favorite place?! I totally agree that it’s the best place eva. I don’t agree that coffee is nasty, however.
But to each her own!!
Btw, I LOVE your name and the way you spell it. My middle name is spelled “Leigh,” so naturally I’m biased towards that spelling.
Have an awesome day!!!!!

Jess @ Story of a Girl recently posted…Monday Miles #4
Thanks girly! I just don’t understand how anyone can like the taste of coffee. lol! Hope you’re having a great day!
Love your answers! You are seriously such an accomplished and amazing girl.

Also— 7 miles of cross country skiing? DANG.
Alison @ Daily Moves and Grooves recently posted…Almond French Toast + Weekend at Binghamton {MIMM #24}
Thanks Alison! And yeah! It totally didn’t even feel like that much!
Love all your answers. I would LOVE to go to Paris. Or Italy. Or Australia. What can I say, I really like to travel
I think I’d chose going out to eat too! I love it. But I do like saving it for more special occasions so it means something more. And I honestly can’t wait to hear more about overcoming depression and your ED. I’ve overcome my ED but and still working on the other one 

Molly@This Life is Sparkling recently posted…FUNDON {part one}
Saving going out to eat so it means more and to save money! It gets expensive!!
Yeah, everyday is part of a journey! I’ve had it in the drafts for a while but I really want to make sure that the post is perfect!
Leigha?! You say I inspire you, but WOW you inspire me! You have already run a half marathon….and you did it in 8th grade! That is amazing! And you do basketball, and cross country skiied 7 miles! Whoa! I should look up to you

Tina Muir recently posted…Sweet Potato Stir Fry
Aww, thank you Tina!! It can be a mutual respect friendship
I love cross country skiing
There is a path right behind my house, so my mom and I go basically everyday!
So jealous!! That’s so cool!