Greetings everyone! Rather than show you yesterday’s eats (which were the exact same as these) I’m showing you Monday’s eats from my day off! After I ate breakfast I realized that I could try and do a Meatless Monday. It wasn’t hard at all! Here is What I Ate on Meatless Monday! Thanks for hosting the party, Jenn!
Since I don’t have time to make stovetop oats on school days I took advantage of my day off and enjoyed some slow cooked oats topped with peanut butter, bananas, cinnamon, almond milk, and cottage cheese! They were good.. but I think I like my overnight oats more!
I couldn’t resist a little bite of some zucchini bread that Grandma brought over and hey, I conquered a fear! Eating in between breakfast and lunch!
I came home suuuper hungry from basketball practice. It was 12-1:30, right during lunchtime. I made a pita with a scrambled egg, black beans, caramelized onion, and tomato! Served with an apple + peanut butter and carrots + hummus. It was a bigger lunch than I normally eat and while I was full, it was a good full. You know when your belly is full of good food how you don’t feel bloated at all and your belly feels happy? Love that feeling.
Aaand the last of the zucchini bread
My mom attempted to make some homemade bread from this recipe. For some reason it didn’t really rise and it was the most. dense. bread. ever. I had a bite of it dipped in some olive oil and spices.
Oh pizza, I wish I could eat you every night. You will never get old.
Pizza, carrots, and a piece of bread topped with avocado and tomato. Yeah… the bread was bad. I scraped off the avocado and tomato and ate them plain. Then I had another piece of pizza to make up for the bread. Then another. Then another… Okay I think I had 5 pieces.
I usually (read: always) have dessert but for some reason I didn’t really want any! Seriously, the one day that I take pictures I don’t have dessert. I did just finish up the last of the Monster Cookies… I need to make more.
That’s it for today! I have my last(!) basketball game of the season tomorrow so you’ll hear from me on Friday!
Oats: stovetop, microwave, or overnight?
What food would you never get sick of?
That zucchini bread looks fantastical! And your lunch is definitely up my alley – eggs, apple, carrots, caramelized onion(!!) – yup, my kinda lunch. It’s awesome that you were “happy full”! Haha!
Hmmm I don’t really trust crock-pot breads, or “quick” breads either – mine always turn out way dense and get used for toast or something. Ah well, all you can do is try.
Have an awesome day!
Jess @ Story of a Girl recently posted…Letting Go of Calories Part 2
It was my first time ever caramelizing an onion! And yeah.. it was our first time EVER using yeast so we’ve gotta work on that! I think I’ll just stick to buying bread from the store haha
have a great day also!
All your eats look SO good – and you are so right, going meatless is WAY easier than everyone thinks! Although, I don’t think I could last more than one day without my chicken.
Now I’m craving pizza! Have an awesome Wednesday.

Emma @ Life’s A Runner recently posted…Dark Chocolate Cookie Dough Bites
Really the only time I eat meat is on my turkey sandwich at lunch! Otherwise I’m pretty much vegetarian! Go get that pizza
Such tasty food! And please send me over some of that zucchini bread asap ;). Please and thank you!

Christine@ Apple of My Eye recently posted…Fudgy Dark Chocolate Avocado Cookies
Will do
Girlfriend, that breakfast looks bomb-diggity! I will always stay loyal to peanut butter at breakfast, no matter what form it’s in

Miranda @ Loving Every Mile recently posted…wiaw 2/19: unwavering love
If you went back a year, I honestly don’t think you’d find a breakfast that didn’t have at least a little peanut butter!!
Gah I love zucchini bread. If your grandma ever makes an extra loaf of anything, hit me up
That’s awesome that you conquered a fear too, girl!

Overnight oats all. the. way.
I never get sick of peanut butter, Greek yogurt, and avocado toast!
Alison @ Daily Moves and Grooves recently posted…WIAW: Blogger-Inspired Meals
That is so awesome that you conquered a fear! Haha your bread could not have been denser than mine – I baked some and I literally banged it on the table and it didn’t even dent/crack.

Liz @ Carpe Diem and Run recently posted…Monday Miles #5
I don’t think this one would’ve cracked either! It was a workout just trying to cut it, lol!
I became a vegetarian about 4 months ago and it’s been soo easy for me to not eat meat. I don’t crave it at all! That pita looks delish

Courtney @RunningforCupcakes recently posted…Bananas for Bananas!
I don’t crave it either! Really the only meat I regularly eat is turkey for my sandwich!
Yum the egg and bean pita looks awesome ! And i am jealous of the zucchini bread too !

Michelle L recently posted…What I Ate Wednesday / My Eats
They were both suuuper yummy