I kind of lied when I said I didn’t have any plans this weekend. Yesterday ended up being packed with fun!
I enjoyed a leisurely breakfast of overnight oatmeal, topped with frozen bloobs, pomegranate arils, and peanut butter. It was my first time trying arils – yum!! I was getting into a habit of going for a long run first thing when I wake up without eating anything which isn’t very healthy. That’s no longer a problem!
I got a text from my friend Alyssa asking me to go to Marquette (the biggest town in the UP) for an ice show and out to dinner. Sounds great, except I still hadn’t run yet! So I headed out for a super quick 10k. It wasn’t easy, but I broke 50 minutes! I averaged 7:53. It felt great to get movin’ after my rest day on Friday! I rounded it out at 7 miles for a cool down.
Alyssa picked me up approximately 2 minutes after I got home and off we went! Marquette is about an hour away so we just caught up on our lives until we got to the ice show.
It was fun to watch all of the skaters! Fun fact: I used to be an ice skater. Sometimes I wish that I wouldn’t have stopped!
Then we went out for dinner! Well, more like linner because we got to the restaurant at 3:50 and they opened at 4. Nothing like being the first persons to the restaurant! I had never been there before but Alyssa assured me it was good. Was she right!
I got the butternut squash ravioli in garlic cream sauce and topped with maple syrup. Yeah, it was good.
I had to try Alyssa’s too.
We did a little shopping and headed home! Eating makes me super tired so I took an amazing nap while listening to my music. What kind of music do you guys like? I range from Flo Rida to Rascal Flatts to the Frozen soundtrack to Def Leppard to the Beatles haha. Hope you’re having a lovely weekend!
Hahah I love the kitty in the background of your oatmeal pic. Photo bomb! So impressed with your average run time for your 10k. That’s great! Wish I could run that fast!
Hehe I was wondering if anyone would notice the kitty
I was so happy with my time, I didn’t know I could still run that fast!
Um, holy wow. Amazing job on your 10k! Teach me your ways, please

Liz @ Carpe Diem and Run recently posted…Currently in March
Run run run! Haha!
WOW! For someone who didnt have anything planned, you sure had a great weekend! That pace for your run is great!!! The eats all look yummy too, marvelous weekend I would say!

Tina Muir recently posted…Meatless Monday: Cauliflower and Potato Soup
It’s a great pace for me, but it’s pretty slow for you!
it was definitely a marvelous weekend!
I used to take ice skating lessons but stopped once I moved to Indiana. I’ve always secretly wanted to be an ice skater! Mainly for the costumes
As you know, T.Swift is my favorite musician, but I also love Norah Jones, Frank Sinatra, The Fray, Paramore, and Ed Sheeran of course.

Molly@This Life is Sparkling recently posted…Learning through the downs, living for the ups
Oh the costumes were the best
I actually don’t know too many songs by those artists! (aside from T Swift 
How fun!! I love the new (? maybe new? I have been a bit absent from the blogging world lately!) blog design!! Oh and your photography is great! New camera?

Brittany @ Dulce Vie recently posted…Spring Training Recap
Thanks girly! The design is somewhat new…. but it will probably be changing sometime soon! Yeah, I finally broke down and bought a dslr
Love how you call blueberries “bloobs” #canyougetmoreadorable

Erica recently posted…orange scented french toast
lol, thanks Erica!