Happy Wednesday! Going vegetarian has not been hard at all. I’m really enjoying being more creative with meals and I think I can say the same for my mom! I hope it’s not my mind playing tricks on me, but I think I’m even feeling less bloated and more energetic. I can see why so many people don’t eat meat! Some recent eats include..
Is there anything better than some chips and guac?
Leftovers from Cooking With Lynn!
More leftovers plus a hard boiled egg
Salmon topped with pesto, broccoli, rice, and a hard boiled egg!
lunch at school: pb&j with banana, an apple, and a cupcake!
Vegetarian chili (I’m getting the recipe!) and egg salad at church
Carrot cake and ice cream at church ( <3 )
Leftover tortellini soup and egg salad on rye
Fish Fry! Whitefish, fries, baked beans, and coleslaw. So. Much. Food.
Toast is always a good option.
As are green smoothies!
I have to admit… I failed on completely no meat. On Sunday my aunt called and she made lasagna. I mean, is it possible to say no to lasagna?! If I only end up eating meat once during these 40 days I still think that’s pretty good.
That’s what I’ll leave ya with! It’s really not that hard to go meat-free. I’m thinking I might even continue this after Lent is over! I might not go totally cold-turkey (hehe ), but I’m definitely going to cut back on my meat consumption. Thanks for hosting the party today, Jenn!
What are your favorite no-meat ways to get protein?
If you celebrate it, what did you give up for Lent?
I have just stumbled across your blog from Peas and Crayons. I like the vibe on your blog, it has a sparkling freshness. Keep up the great job!
Thank you so much for stopping by! I would love to visit your blog but I don’t think you have one because there’s no link on your name!
With meals like that I wouldn’t miss meat either! I think that’s a really great outlook to have on Lent – it’s not about being perfect, but doing your absolute best and still enjoying your life! Hope your Wednesday is great.

Emma @ Life’s A Runner recently posted…WIAW: You Know You’re Seventeen When…
You put it in perfect words, Emma. Happy Wednesday!
That fish fry looks so so good! There’s nothing better than a good fish fry. YUM.

Sally Rae recently posted…WIAW – Keeping it Real
I agree!
These all look delicious! I have tried going vegetarian and failed
The salmon dish looks really good!

Patty @ Reach Your Peak recently posted…Save and Splurge: Fitness Items
You can always try again!
Your meals look awesome! I loved being vegetarian and I think, personally the reason I was more energized and less bloated was because I eat less calorically, but it could have been all in my head too! I have to eat some meal now for health reasons and it’s usually one serving a day or every other! My go to’s are eggs and Greek Yogurt

Sabrina @ Nutritiously Sweet recently posted…WIAW #91: Nutritiously Sweet Finds & Buys!
Thanks! I don’t think I’m eating any less calories but I’m not quite sure – I don’t count! I wish I liked Greek yogurt. For some reason it just tastes really bitter to me!
Yummy! Good for you for going vegetarian, girl! If you ever need recipe ideas, feel free to head my way… all vegan recipes, so totally meat-free. Glad I found your blog through WIAW… will definitely be back! Xo, Jordan

Jordan @ The Blonde Vegan recently posted…You Know You Have an Extreme Personality When… (+WIAW)
I’m SO happy you stopped by! Your blog is awesome! I already bookmarked some things
I am a huge fan of egg salad
I don’t find too many people that share the love for it lol! That carrot cake looks great too!
I used to hate egg salad but that was before I ever tried it. I love it!
I realllly love eggs as an extra protein source. I also have greek yogurt almost every night formed into some type of dessert. I get a lot of protein from healthy fats (almond butter, walnuts, avocados) and protein bread sold at Sprouts! All of your eats look incredible and I am kinda upset you didn’t invite me to the fish fry. What’s up with that?!

Ashley @MilesonOats recently posted…WIAW- Coconutty
Haha sorry…. I’ll tell ya next time!
I wish I liked greek yogurt but it tastes really bitter to me! Maybe I should try a different brand. I wish I had some kind of grocery store like Sprouts or Whole Foods! The nearest one is 4 hours away!!
Girl your eats are amazing. My comments are so redundant because I don’t know what else to say but YUM. Sooo…..yumm!!!
I want that carrot cake asap.

My favorite no meat protein is eggs/Greek yogurt, and my favorite no meat at ALL protein is hummus or nutbutter.
Have a fab day girl!
Jess @ Story of a Girl recently posted…Warm Weather = Hot Oatmeal and Hiking (duh)
Haha it’s alright, my comments are redundant on your posts too
hope you’re having a wonderful day!
I started vegetarianism 6 months ago, and I’m not looking back to meat. Yes, lasagna smells good, but believe me, there are other plant based recipes that are really yummy and healthy!! Besides that, I’m a lot healthier, more energized!! Good for you on doing it for Lent, maybe it’ll make you eat less meat on the long term.

Jess @dearhealthyness recently posted…WIAW: Breakfast Lately
And btw for Lent I decided to omit: white bread from bakery, no chips, nothing fried and no unhealthy sweets (but a black bean brownie is a yes). My protein as vegetarian comes from whole grains, tofu (organic and non-gmo), nuts, legumes, beans, peanut butter, hummus. I’m always looking for ways to improve the quality and variety of my diet.

Jess @dearhealthyness recently posted…WIAW: Breakfast Lately
I only had the lasagna because I rarely get to have it
I really want to try a veggie lasagna! I eat all of those things you said. I love improving my diet too!
Beans and eggs!! Love em’ and eat em’ often
Looks like some fabulous eats!!

Amanda @ The Engineering Foodie recently posted…{WIAW} #8 – Finger Foods
At first I thought you wrote bacon and eggs! haha… beans are much better
LOVE your blog and your pictures!! I didn’t do anything special for Lent this year but have been trying to think of what I”m thankful for and just be nicer to people. Who knows why some people lash out (after all it’s NYC) but just trying to be a nicer person is on my list. Maybe some random acts of kindness or picking up trash

Kaitlin recently posted…Day in the Life
That’s still a great thing to do! I find that when I’m nicer to people I feel happier. Hopefully you’ll feel the same!
So.much.good.food!!! I’m moving in with you lol! I have been living off of pb and saltines ahaha time to grocery shop

Sunnie@ModernGirlNutrition recently posted…California and an Anjolee Review and Giveaway
I will just be waiting for your arrival
So happy to hear you are enjoying being a vegetarian! Everything looks so green and fresh (except for the fish and chips, but it also look really delicious :))

Maddi @ Push Ups in Pennyloafers recently posted…Throwback Thursday no. 2 and Papaya Sunrise Smoothie
All about balance right? haha! I really am enjoying it!
Way to go on your mostly no meat eats! I think you’re doing awesome! I am drooling over your egg salad sandwich on rye bread. I love rye!

Allie recently posted…Books and other things
I can’t believe I don’t eat rye more often. It’s SO yummy! Now we want to try and make our own!
It’s actually so easy to be a vegetarian as long as you think ahead! I definitely couldn’t go back to eating meat (although I do miss spaghetti bolognese). And that photo of carrot cake…I’m so jealous!!

Lilli @ Sugar and Cinnamon recently posted…A Healthier Spiced Carrot Cake with Maple Orange Icing
Yes.. planning is very helpful! Oh the carrot cake was amazing
I’ve been easing into vegetarianism lately too, and I’m having no problems at all! In fact, I’m loving the change! You’re doing amazing girl! xx

Katherine recently posted…Who Runs Da World? Girls. (No, Seriously!)
I didn’t know you were too!! Yay! We’re in it together