Ugh, Monday! I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling it hard with the time change. It’s nice to have an extra hour of light at night though! At least my clock in my room will finally display the correct time. I didn’t change it back in the fall! I had a pretty productive weekend.. I’d say it was pretty marvelous!
After school on Friday I went to a friend’s house to make a project for English. We read To Kill a Mockingbird so we had to make a movie acting out scenes!
I had 2 great runs. I can’t even explain how nice it is to be running on the actual road instead of snow!
There was some great cross country skiing too. Sometimes I really take it for granted that I have so many trails just a few miles from my house!
Yesterday we saw a porcupine! He’s kind of hard to see but he was so cute!
Cooking With Lynn was pretty fun too.
I ended the weekend with some cuddling with the princess.
And that’s about it! I got some posts prewritten since I won’t have much time during the week to write. Yay Drivers Ed… track also starts tomorrow! I’m gonna be a busy girl!
Do you remember reading To Kill a Mockingbird?
I loved it.
Is there still snow where you live?
I can barely remember what To Kill a Mockingbird is about to be honest haha. It seems like forever ago! Love the video though- well done!
Glad to see you got in a good run and I’m so jealous of your ability to go skiing whenever! Although, I don’t know how much I can complain because it’s 75 degrees and pouring sunshine here haha!
Have a lovely week <3
Christine@ Apple of My Eye recently posted…Workouts of Late and Practical Uses of Bananas. Also, Food.
Haha that would be a hard choice for me too
thanks girly!
To kill a mocking bird is one of my favorite books! I love it so much! Cross country skiing looks like so much fun but a lot of hard work. I think I’ll have to add it to my bucket list.
It is SUCH a great workout! You have to try it!
I remember reading To Kill A Mockingbird but we read it in 8th grade and I think I was too young to understand it. Sounds like you have a busy but exciting week ahead!

Molly@This Life is Sparkling recently posted…10 random facts [practically tangents] about me
Yes I do… sometimes I wish I did less but then I’m sure I would wish I did more!
I loved To Kill a Mockingbird! We still have snow but it is starting to melt

Liz @ Carpe Diem and Run recently posted…Monday Miles #8
It’s going to flood so bad here when it all melts!!
Gahh I love the video! TKAMB was one of my favorite reads in high school

You are one SPEEDY runner, girl! And holy crap I want that creamy pasta.
Alison @ Daily Moves and Grooves recently posted…Weekend Confessions II {MIMM #26}
There is still one serving in the fridge.. you can come get it
Great run! The weekend was absolutely gorgeous here. Made me think spring is near until I saw the forecast – more snow later in the weekend. Blech! At least you are out enjoying in cross country skiing. I haven’t done that in years!

Angela @ Happy Fit Mama recently posted…When Does Play Become Exercise?
You’ve got to get out and do it! It’s a blast. And I know what you mean about thinking spring is near.. yesterday it was 59 degrees and Thursday it’s back down to 9!
To Kill a Mockingbird- Great book. Gotta love freshmen English for that
I love that potholder!! Too cute
I feel ya with running on roads instead of snow- it feels so nice!! Butttt the mud that covers my legs afterwards isn’t so pretty
PS- I saw this and thought of you for lunches!!
Emily @smilemilegirl recently posted…Monday Miles #5
EMILY! Thank you so much!! Those sandwiches are awesome!
And the roads? Terrible! I’m literally running through constant puddles! It’s ruining my shoes, haha!