Brunch was another good one. No, it wasn’t good. It was phenomenal. I might even consider it to be better than last month‘s brunch!
I’ve had a craving for stuffed French toast since I had it last spring break. Just the thought of fruit and cheese in between thick slices of eggy bread makes my heart happy. Then Christine posted her Caramel Apple French Toast and I knew it was time I made le French toast. I wanted to make her recipe but mom doesn’t like baked apples. Loser. So we decided on this.
It was our first time using mascarpone cheese. It looks like cream cheese but it’s much softer. We mixed that with Grandma’s homemade strawberry jam and stuffed some French bread with it. Then we marinated a package of strawberries with powdered sugar, milk, and balsamic vinegar. I was skeptical about the balsamic, but trust me, it just works. Without it the filling would be a touch too sweet. Dip your bread into an egg/milk/vanilla mixture and soak it all up.
Then you butter a griddle and place your drippy bread to cook. Top it with a cake pan, it helps the bread cook thoroughly!
Flip the bread after 4-5 minutes and cook for a couple more. Top it with your strawberries, and maybe some powdered sugar or maple syrup if you like sweetness. It really doesn’t even need them because it’s sweet enough!

Gosh this looks amazing. Now I’m craving french toast and I just had breakfast

Josefine {The Smoothie Lover} recently posted…Healthier Cookie Dough Bites
Thanks Josefine! It would be great for dinner too
UM HECK YES. This looks so incredible. I am a huge fan of French toast, but this is it on a whole new level. Thanks for sharing the recipe!

Alison @ Daily Moves and Grooves recently posted…Feelin’ Lucky {MIMM #28}
French toast is probably my favorite breakfast food
thanks girly!
Eggs and french toast all in one meal? Your right, that sounds phenomenal.
For sure!
This is so fancy. I’ve never made French toast like this at home!

Julie recently posted…MIMM: The Great Move 2014 Day 1 (Saturday)
You’ve got to try it! It’s really not even that hard!
Your photos are amazing and this looks really yummy!

Liz @ Carpe Diem and Run recently posted…Monday Miles #9
Thanks Liz!
Leigha, that looks fantastic! I would LOVE to come back to that for brunch! Yum!!! Keep up the good work!

Tina Muir recently posted…Meatless Monday: Vegetable and Avocado Enchiladas
I would love to make it for you
thanks Tina!
You’ve really gotten me in to the whole brunch idea. Yesterday I actually had a little brunch after my morning run that was inspired by you! Also, I always say this, but I’ve been obsessed with all your pictures ever since you got your new camera! Seriously, I just want to dive in your blog and stay a while
Have a lovely Monday xx

Katherine recently posted…Why Going To Sleep Early Isn’t Just For Grandmas!
Well feel free to come on over, I’d love to have you
yay for brunch! What did you make?!