Spring break is treating me niiice, sleeping in and watching Food Network all day! Except, ya know, track practice at 10 and driving lessons right after… but that’s beside the point. No school!
Sunday was another highly successful night of Cooking With Lynn. New around here? Lynn is my step-mom and occasionally we get together and cook some fabulous meals. But first! My eats earlier in the day because it’s WIAW!
I went to church then came home to these. Same exact combo as Saturday. And yesterday. And the day before. Don’t fix what ain’t broken!
Then a run! I did 2.5 miles with a friend from cross country and then 5.5 more solo. The best part is that I ran in capriiiis! And no gloves!
Guys. Guacamole grilled cheese. Omg. Other toppings: black beans and spinach. I guess it technically isn’t a grilled cheese since there’s no cheese but whatevs. And it was on the butts which are the best pieces of the bread loaf! Broccoli, hb egg, and 1/2 banana on the side.
I did some computer and some readin’. Update: finished this book yesterday. Definitely recommended!
Then headed over to le Father’s. On the menu tonight: Chicago-Style Deep Dish Pizza. Lynn’s made it before (like here) but this was the first time I helped.
One had ham & pepperoni and the other had onions and mushrooms – perfect for my vegetarian self.
You know I had this plate x 2. Okay maybe 3. Hey, I ran 8 miles that day!
Dessert: pumpkin cookies stuffed with cream cheese. YUM.
There’s my day of eats! Today mom and I are going down to Appleton for some shoppin’! World Market, here I come! I’m on a mission to find some adorable little photography plates!
Have you ever made homemade pizza?
Where do you get your food photography props?
Ahhh I wanna try that pizza so bad! I would never have thought of making a deep dish pizza myself, but being so far away from Chicago, maybe it is time I tried! Yum!
Tina Muir recently posted…10 Reasons Running is for YOU!
It wasn’t too too hard! You have to try it at least once… it was SO yummy!
OH MY GOSH can Lynn come over and make food with me haha?! All of the recipes you guys do together look fantastic!

Christine@ Apple of My Eye recently posted…Baked Garlic Parmesan Fries
Lol! I know, I wish I cooked with her every night!
YUM! I grew up outside of Chicago and LOVE a good deep dish pizza!

Natalie recently posted…WIAW #3
I’ve never had a real Chicago deep dish but it’s definitely on my bucket list!
Omg that pizza looks AMAZING! I’ve been craving pizza lately. I need to get on that. Oh, and I agree- the butt slices are the best by far. I wish every slice was the butt!

Sally Rae recently posted…WIAW – Studio Swag
Hahaha me too! #buttlovers
you must satisfy your pizza craving!
Um, yeah, I’d like that whole deep dish pizza, thanks.
And you know you’ve gotta add cheese to that guac sandwich now! High five on those 8 miles, girl! I’m always amazed at anyone who runs more than a 5K in a day. The anti-runner in me… *sigh*

Alison @ Daily Moves and Grooves recently posted…WIAW: Benefit Week Eats
Well I’m having it again for lunch so I’ll be sure to add cheese this time
I never imagined myself being able to run 8 miles, let alone a half marathon. I want you to do one haha!
Are your cats obsessed with rubber bands too?! (saw it in the first pic haha- my old kitty would hunt down every rubber band she could find!) Love your pics of the pizza- everything looks sooo good
Happy almost Friday lovie!

Sunnie@ModernGirlNutrition recently posted…Clean Green Salad
Malcolm is obsessed! He would chase it all day if we played with him! I haven’t tried yet with Cleo… but I bet she would love rubber bands
It sounds like you had a very delicious day! Your blog is adorable- I love cats, too, but unfortunately my cat allergies have kept me from ever having one. I do have a couple sweet dogs though! I’ve only been to Chicago once, and while I’m a fan of Neapolitan pizza, I have to say the deep dish pizza I had was very, very tasty… Happy blogging Leigha, and thanks for visiting Gratitude and Greens!

genevieve @ gratitude & greens recently posted…Mango-Kiwi-Avocado Green Smoothie Bowl
I would be so sad if I had a cat allergy! I don’t think I’ve had neapolitan pizza before. Although I might have, who knows, lol! Thanks for stopping by!