The sun is shining and it’s a beautiful Saturday! Make sure you get outside. In fact, after I post this I’m heading out on a bike ride! Lynn and I had another night of cooking, so let’s get right to the eats, shall we?
On the menu was Sesame and Quinoa Spring Rolls. I’ve had them on my Pinterest board for forever and I’ve always wanted to try making spring rolls!
The recipe calls for 2 cups of quinoa, which is wayyyyyy too much. We used 1 cup, and even that was more than we needed. I think it really means 2 cups of cooked quinoa!
We added avocado because yes. Do you need a reason to add avocado?
The verdict? Not the best thing we’ve made. It’s not really the recipe’s fault – spring rolls are a little bit odd! They were super chewy and sticky to eat. Maybe we made them wrong or something, but I don’t see how anyone likes eating spring rolls!
I ate one on a leaf of boston lettuce and it was much tastier.
Also, there wasn’t enough texture in these. Everything just kind of blended together. I think some shredded carrots or water chestnuts would really take this recipe over the top!
Dinner wasn’t great, but dessert sure didn’t disappoint.
I eyed up some ripe bananas…
And then these happened.
Mmmmm! It’s just Lynn’s basic banana bread recipe turned into muffins. Along with the flour and butter and regular indgredients, she also adds crushed pineapple, craisins, and walnuts! Yum yum yum.
I don’t think I’ve introduced my brother Evan before. He is on the right with his friend Kanye!
Malcolm was there too
Have you ever tried spring rolls?
What are your favorite banana bread add-ins?
I think I’ve had spring rolls once or twice when I was a vegetarian. They were alright but I prefer egg rolls
Or sushi. Always sushi.
Molly@This Life is Sparkling recently posted…A numbers game.
And I’ve never had egg rolls… or sushi!! I must try these!
Yummy!!! I’ve got to make those!

Kimberly | Kimberly’s Chronicle
Kimberly recently posted…It’s My Birthday and I’ll Blog When I Want To
let me just say that you are a lot cooler than me when i was in high school! i could barely feed myself cereal, let alone make spring rolls. they look so yummy! ugh, who am i kidding, i still can’t make spring rolls

lex recently posted…Spreading Some Blog Love with a Giveaway
lol! haha if it wasn’t for her I definitely wouldn’t be able to make these things alone
you def picked the wrong recipe. Try another! I love love spring rolls.
These look awesome! Definitely going to try those ones
Oooo! I totally need to try putting quinoa into spring rolls! We Asians have spring rolls all the time, but we usually add just veggies and meat and sometimes noodles.

Favorite banana bread add-ins— walnuts/pecans or PEANUT BUTTER! duh.
Alison @ Daily Moves and Grooves recently posted…Fascinating Friday{ish} Links #33
Try it
Walnut and pecans are fabulous, but I have NEVER had pb in my banana bread. I can’t believe this.
Spring rolls are definitely like a delicious salad in a rice wrap. And you can’t go wrong with a good peanut sauce with a touch of sriracha! They are on my top ten list of healthy and delicious foods. You should most definitely try an authentic recipe packed with yummy fresh Thai basil.
I also want to say that I love your site and I would be delighted if my 2 year old daughter food blogs when she is in high school!
Thanks for the idea! And thank you
hopefully she will be a foodie! 
Malcolm looks thrilled in that picture
Hehe. I want to try spring rolls, I think I might do brown rice instead of quinoa though

Sunnie@ModernGirlNutrition recently posted…Gluten Free Pasta with Homemade Portobella Sauce
Ooooh I wonder if that would be like sushi! I’ve never had sushi so I wouldn’t know though, haha
whats quinoa made of? im looking into getting some it looks sooooooooo YUMMY!
It’s a kind of seed! Super healthy
These look divine! Really love quinoa- always makes a great meal!

Jess recently posted…Snapshots from London {& South Bank Street Food}
Agreed – quinoa is awesome