You know when it’s a struggle to walk from the couch to the kitchen? Yeah, that’s me right now. So.incredibly.sore. Yesterday I had my first track meet so for WIAW I’m sharing what I ate!
Keepin’ it simple with a Breakfast of ooiapbj <3
The usual Lunch of a pb&j&b with an apple.
We left school at 1. My first race was at 3:45 so at about 2:45 I had my banana + pb. My banana got a little smooshed haha!
First I was the beginner of the 3200 relay. My split was 2:39 – not bad! It was more of a warmup for my other races.
In between races: a clif bar to keep my energy up! I snacked on it during the meet.
My second race was the 1600. I got 3rd, with a time of 5:40! New pr!
My last race was the 3200 – yay…
I got 2nd in 12:29! I ran 12:22 last year. This year I want to get into the 11’s!
Post meet
Jimmy Johns <3 I couldn’t get my usual turkey since giving up meat so I got tuna salad!
And mom had a leftover cheddar bay biscuit from Red Lobster so I obvs ate that too.
I got home at about 10:30 – wayyy past my bedtime. Right to bed I went!
What do you eat on race days?
THOSE LEGS THO! Runners legs at it’s best! I banned Jimmy Johns because of my new fishy life- but TOTALLY forgot they have a killer tuna salad! YES. Thank you for the reminder and brilliant idea. I am a sucker for the french bread. But is it weird I prefer Subway bread? I think it’s the intoxicating smell….moving on! Haha. On race days I start with oats & pb (with a large fruit), followed up by Mexican or all you can eat sushi. When you run 13.1 there are NO LIMITS to this bottomless pit.
Ashley @MilesonOats recently posted…WIAW #11: Mountain Food
hehe thanks girly! legs are probably one of my favorite benefits of running
Jimmy John’s actually had two options – a tuna salad and a veggie sandwich! Both were yummmmmy (my mom got the veggie
) Subway bread is sooo good but have you heard of the chemical it used to have? Apparently it’s also used in yoga mats!
AWESOME TIMES! You did so great and I love the pictures!!

Sara recently posted…Let’s talk food (What I pack for lunch)
Thanks Sara! I’m really happy with them!
Hi Leigha

I just wanted you to know, that I just nominated you for the Liebster Award because you are one of my favourite bloggers!
I really hope you’ll participate, but if you haven’t got the time or something like that it’s totally ok if you don’t
Love, Josefine
Josefine {The Smoothie Lover} recently posted…Liebster Award
Thank you so much Josefine! That means so much to me because your blog is also one of my favorites

I would love to participate! I’ll try to squeeze it in!!
Yum! All of that looks great. I loooove tuna salad. I’m gonna have to get some of that soon. Before long runs I like oatmeal with nut butter. Yum

Sally Rae recently posted…Five Things Friday April 11th 2014
Oatmeal and nut butter is life haha
WOW!! Your times are so great!! I can only dream of running that fast. Your mile time and 2 mile??? You are SO fast!!!
Meet days tend to be totally crazy. I never know what to eat and when because we never know exactly when we are running!

Emily @smilemilegirl recently posted…April Goals
Thanks Emily!!
I just bring a ton of snacks! And I always eat normal foods for breakfast and lunch so my tummy won’t be upset. Clif bars, larabars, and quest bars are going to come in very helpful!
Congratulations on your 2nd and 3rd place finishes, that is amazing! Your OOIAPBJ look amazing! You can totally beat 12:22 in the 3200. Keep up the great work at track girl and I know you get there!

ChickGettinFit recently posted…WIAW #13 – Cruise Food
Thanks so much!!
Awesome job at the track meet! You’re super speedy! And especially all those events in one day!

Aurora@Fitness is Sweet recently posted…Back to Life (WIAW)
Thanks Aurora
I was so tired by the end!!
Give yo sammich. No, seriously. Gimme. I need to find a Jimmy John’s where I live!!
And all that peanut butter deliciousness, just, just – gah I have no words.
You rock chica!

Jess @ Story of a Girl recently posted…WIAW: Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes!
My nearest JJ’s is an hour away, so I have to go there anytime I’m near
thanks girly!!
Um, wow. I am so insanely jealous of you right now – you are so freaking fast! How do you run a MILE in 5:40?????? Major congrats on your meet!

Liz @ Carpe Diem and Run recently posted…Monday Miles #13
Haha idk I guess I just run lots
thanks Liz!
Wait, WHAT?! You are a LIGHTNING BOLT. Seriously, my dream is a sub-7 min. mile. 5:40 and then 12:29 for a 2 miler? And your face is so calm and “NBD.”
I obviously love that you had peanut butter for lunch and snacks too!

OOIAPBJ is the perfect way to start the day of a track meet
*sigh* I miss 10:30 bedtimes…
Alison @ Daily Moves and Grooves recently posted…Behind the Scenes #17: Just…Food.
Thanks Alison!! Peanut butter is in every meal
10:30 is laaate for me! I was so overtired haha!
So much peanut butter and bananas. Ugh, I knew we were friends for good reasons! Also, you look so cute running. Can you please teach me how to look socially acceptable while running? I tend to look really malnourished or like I’m on my death bed. I seriously need some tips. Either that, or a photographer who can capture my ‘natural beauty’! (I guess the photographer is just taking a picture of what it sees lol!) On an off note, you are speedy girl! During cross country I once ran the 2 mile under 13 minutes, and that’s about as far as my accomplishment list goes. I did run a sub 6 minute mile on the treadmill this morning, but that’s WAY easier than during a race. Okay, sorry for the word vomit. Moral of this long comment: Your food looks great and you’re really fast at running and look cute doing it. xx

Katherine recently posted…Springtime Smoothies (3 Ways!)
I love your long novel comments
Hahaha I only look good for the pictures – once I’m not in the camera’s view I’m back to a death face! And girl! You are still speedy! That’s awesome! Ew treadmill though
have a great weekend Kath! 
Yay yay yay Leigha!!! Awesome PR!!! And everything you ate until dinner involved PB- my kind of day

Sunnie@ModernGirlNutrition recently posted…Vegan Coconut Blizzard
Actually, I still had a tiny piece of my Clif bar left at dinner. Perfect for dessert
thanks Sunnie!!
Great job on your first meet of the season! How on earth did you manage to get a smiling shot mid-race? I always manage to pull some crazy weird faces on run photos & it can be scary. I envy you!
Hahaha I’m known for smiling during races
sometimes my coaches get mad…
thanks Syd!