Hey guys! It’s WIAW, and I’m really excited to share my meals today. Lately I’ve been craving fresh, natural, and generally healthy foods. I’ve been putting a little bit more effort into what I’m eating, and I feel amazing!
Breakfasts are still the same – don’t fix what’s not broken! Overnight oats with cottage cheese, blueberries, and peanut butter.
The other day I was eating my oats and I had the most rotten, putrid bite ever. I think it was a bad piece of banana. But man, it ruined the rest of my oats. Luckily I only had a few bites left! Yuck, I still cringe just thinking about it!
Lunch is a new appearance on the blog:
A big kale salad with avocado, mushrooms, tomatoes, and onions with poppyseed dressing, an apple, and mixed nuts. I was getting sick of my sandwich + apple combo, and I am loving this new lunch!
Mmm.. look at all those veggies!
Right before track I had my daily granola bar, this time a new to me larabar flavor – amazing.
I have a meet tomorrow so my workout was a super easy 2 miles and some random weights (20 each bicep curls, shoulder shrugs, squats, calf raises, 2 more things I don’t know the name of )
All of these are pretty tasty, but I think the star of yesterday is dinner.
I won’t say exactly what this is, but I will say it’s vegan, loaded with nutrients, and tasty. I’m so excited to share the recipe!
I usually have some form of dessert but I wasn’t feelin’ it last night! Lately it’s been some banana with peanut butter. Or a cookie that mom made with a glass of milk. I’ve accepted that some days I want double dessert, and some days I don’t want it at all! It all evens out in the end
Wanna take a guess at what dinner was?
Do you notice you feel better when you eat healthier?
My guess is your dinner is a bowl of vegetable chili w/ quinoa & avocado?? Am I right?

Jessie recently posted…Back and Bicep Workout w/ Dumbbells
You’re right, just add a few more things
Ooh, I like a good guessing game so … Quinoa chili with giant white beans, kale and do I spy some kind of squash? It’s nice to know I’m not the only one still eating chili when it’s warm outside. Because really, chili is so delicious it should be a year-round dish.

Miss Polkadot recently posted…Seasonally [in]appropriate cravings
You got it! And I agree- who says chili is just a winter food?! It’s so yummy!
So… can you come and make all my meals for me? That salad looks amazing! And I love Larabars, I wish they weren’t so hard for me to buy (I’m in Australia!). Looking forward to the recipe!

Aimee @Healthy petite recently posted…WIAW #1 – EAT!
Thanks Aimee! I’d love to come cook for you.. then I would get to visit Austrailia!
Mmm definitely quinoa with avocado and kale! Looks delicious!

I always feel a ton better and lighter when I eat healthy and fresh foods instead of dense, heavy and highly processed ones!
Hilary recently posted…WIAW Spaghetti Squash Pizza/Pasta
It really is true – we are what we eat! And when we eat well, we feel great!
Oh my gosh your dinner really does look amazing!! I want the recipe!!

Amanda @ Diary of a Semi-Health Nut recently posted…Easter Eats 2014 in Nebraska
Thanks! It will be up soon

Hhmm I see quinoa, avocado and some sort of leafy green…. I’m already digging it! Can’t wait for the recipe

Lex recently posted…WIAW Bone Density Edition
I’m so excited to share!!
Love Crunch Time peanut butter! Isn’t it the best? (well, a close tie with Mighty Maple I think!)

meredith @ The Cookie ChRUNicles recently posted…WIAW- More Complex Carbs Plus My New Favorite Lunch
I loooove crunch time
I haven’t tried Mighty Maple yet!! I have a white chocolate wonderful in the pantry that hasn’t been opened yet, too 
That lunch looks amazing. I always struggle to find something healthy to bring to school. Your salad looks like an amazing option

Chickgettinfit recently posted…WIAW #14–I Don’t Eat Dinner
Try it!! Such a great way to get in some veggies during the day. Just make sure you have an ice pack to keep it cold, lol!
I see quinoa and kale in your dinner – it looks yummy!

I always feel better when I eat healthier; however, sometimes you need some soul food like mac and cheese
Ange @ Cowgirl Runs recently posted…WIAW â My Food Philosophy
Oh, I definitely agree! I couldn’t live without mac&cheese/pizza/chocolate… but not for every meal! All about balance
Omg I am so excited for the recipe it looks delicious!! And on another note.. Have you tried the PB Chip Larabar?! Its so solo good especially when you heat it up
YES! It tasted just like a Reese’s! I didn’t heat it up though…. that would be FANTASTIC!
I can’t wait for that recipe! Looks amazing! I hope your meet goes well

Sally Rae recently posted…WIAW – Audition Day Eats Number 2
Thanks Sally
omg.. the other day I put a frozen bannaa in my oatmeal when I heated it up… aaaaand it must have been an old banana or something because the SAME Thing happened except it was a few bites.. terrible still cringing !!! butttt your salad looks really good !!! yummmmm

Lauren @ LoveChocolateLife recently posted…WIAW #8 Chocolate cake the size of my head
seriously?! well at least I’m not the only one, lol! thank you!
Loving all the eats!

Molly@This Life is Sparkling recently posted…Change.
Oh, your meals look so good! And I’ve never thought of adding cottage cheese to overnight oats!? Does it have a strong flavor? I can’t wait to try it out.

Julie @ Coastal Runner Girl recently posted…WIAW #18: Veggin’ It Up With Green Juice
Oooh you have to try it! I usually just add a spoonful in the morning while I microwave them. I think it makes them a little creamier! And you can’t taste it at all!
Your photos are getting awesome!
Thanks Liz
I see quinoa, kale, and avocado!
I definitely feel better when I eat healthy! I hard ever crave anything that is processed!

Polly @ Tasty Food Project recently posted…Berry Chia Pudding
Me neither! Processed food grosses me out!
Your lunchbox is so cute! Where is that from?
Do you mean my salad container? I found that in my cupboard and we’ve had it for as long as I can remember
the actual lunchbox I use isn’t pictured here, but it’s from Lean Cuisine for getting enough points!
Ugh such a bummer when something ruins the overnight oats!

Is that some sort of quinoa kale chili/soup?? It looks amazing, whatever it is! And yes, I totally notice when I’m eating healthier because my energy is UP.
Alison @ Daily Moves and Grooves recently posted…Behind the Scenes #18: Honey Mustard Dill Yogurt Sauce with Smoked Salmon
Upped energy for sure! And yes, it is some kind of quinoa kale chili/soup
So healthy and colorful!! I love salads for lunch <3 Ugh lately I've been all about that #tripledessert life lol

Sunnie@ModernGirlNutrition recently posted…Gluten Free Pasta with Homemade Portobella Sauce
That was me last night heheh
banana bread muffins <3
All your food and snacks looks so healthy and energising!

Jess recently posted…Lemon & Raspberry Ricotta Baked Cheesecake
Thanks! I try hard to eat foods that are good for my body!
Yum Leigha! You definitely are on the right track, and yes I totally agree that I feel different when I knuckle down. I notice it physically as well. It is so good to get the right foods in, and prevents your body from breaking down! Have a wonderful weekend lovely!

Tina Muir recently posted…Pulled Pork and Roasted Sweet Potato Pizza
I try to give my body what it deserves – lots of nutrients! It reciprocates by making me faster and stronger
you too Tina! 
That salad looks awesome! I think I’ll be changing up my lunch routine now

Terry recently posted…5 Simple Foods for Healthy Eating
Let me know if you do try it!