My meet went great yesterday!
I needed to get 4th or better to qualify for the state meet and I did just that! My 3200 relay team placed 4th (11:23), I got 4th in the mile (5:39), and 3rd in the two mile (12:11)! We went out for dinner after at a place I’ve been dying to try – Sweet Water Cafe.
Anyways the main point of this post is because I used up all the space on my memory card. So, before I delete them I wanted to share some pics that never made it on the blog and also some of my favorite pics! Question: what do you guys do with old pictures? Do you save them onto the computer, flash drive, or just delete them? I’m not sure what to do haha.
The first pictures are of my Valentine’s Day Monster Cookies! Those might be my favorite recipe on the blog. I think I need to make another batch that are summerified.
Valentine’s Day pasta date with mama <3
The next batch of pictures is my overnight oats! I make these everyday…love oatmeal <3
Then I took some pictures of muffins that looked good, but just didn’t cut the taste test. Peanut butter banana chocolate chip, in case you’re wondering!
Brunch! That was a good one.
Pesto Spinach Tortellini Soup. I wish I had some of this in the freezer to eat again, haha!
A night of Cooking with Lynn. Mmmmmmm pasta.
Does it get better than chips + guac?
Cookies that didn’t make it on the blog. Not sure why… maybe because they had lotsa sugaaa
An omelette and strawberry mascarpone stuffed French toast <3 so yummy.
BLT pizza <3
A selfie from the accent vlog! That was so much fun. I’m doing another vlog soon!
Green smoothie from the geocaching day!
Prom took up a few hundred pictures..
a dinner of wild rice, chicken, peas, and carrots
oats 4 lyfe
and of course tons and tons of kitty pics
So that’s basically my life from when I got the memory card in February to now! Happy Saturday
Help: What do you do when you need to clean out a memory card? Save to computer, flash drive, or just delete?
I save all my pictures on my computer. I hate deleting things cause it’s like deleting memories.
Chickgettinfit recently posted…Thursday Thoughts #10– Warm Weather
I know! I just don’t want to slow the computer down saving 2000+ pics!
I definitely don’t take as many pictures as you do, but I store pictures on my computer.
You take such gorgeous pictures!!

Emily @smilemilegirl recently posted…New Beginnings.
Thanks Emily! Buying that camera was seriously the best decision I’ve ever made
Congrats on such a rockin’ meet, girl!! Are you gonna go to Nationals??

I save my photos on my computer, but I might want to back it up on something else like a flash drive later just in case this thing crashes (praying to God it does not). Shutterfly has free and unlimited photo storage too!
Alison @ Daily Moves and Grooves recently posted…Behind the Scenes #21: Current Banes of Existence
I don’t think I’ll go to Nationals… I don’t even think my school goes to it haha!
Shutterfly is a great idea! I think I’m going to save the important photos to my computer and just delete the not-so-important
That bottom left cat picture is just too cute to handle. Love.

Molly@This Life is Sparkling recently posted…Thursday thoughts.
Hehehehe it’s my favorite pic of her
I feel quite proud of myself because I’ve followed your blog through all these memory posts. I feel like the ultimate fan right now. Anyways, I always say this, but your photography is flawless, your cats are adorable, and your food makes me hungry at any given hour of the day. I take TONS of pictures too (my iphone has like 3,000 pictures, and don’t get me started on my camera). When I’m old and gray I’m sure I’ll be happy I photographed everything. The memories are just too good!

Katherine recently posted…Why Bananas Are The Best Fruit Ever. (Don’t Even Try To Argue This!)
I’m so happy you’ve been through all the memories
I’ve spent so much time just looking through pictures! It’s so much fun to look back! We are always saying that we need to meet in person, but we seriously need to make a real plan haha. I want to meet you SO BAD. 
I love a good old fashioned photo dump. Your kitties are adorable! All the food looks great and you should post the cookies, sugar or not.

Meghan@CleanEatsFastFeets recently posted…My Day with the Ginn Academy Cooking Club and HealthCorps
I guess the main reason I didn’t post them is because it isn’t my recipe! My friend made a batch for me and included the recipe!
Love your pics!

Liz @ Carpe Diem and Run recently posted…Monday Miles #15
I loved your Prom pics! Sometimes when a memory card gets full I’ll start deleting pics, but then I end up spending an hour looking through all the old ones. I especially love finding a random memory card from a few years ago that’s laying under my bed or somewhere I’ve forgotten about- seeing all the pics is like reliving that year.
Great post Leigha!

Sunnie@ModernGirlNutrition recently posted…5 Minute Dinner
YES to spending a whole bunch of time looking at the pics! That happens way too often haha
thanks girly!
Congrats on a very impressive meet! Wow! You had a great day! Very exciting stuff!!!! I love that you shared monster cookies with us!!! Michigan is the only place I have found people eat them often, and they are SO GOOD so I do not see why that is! I will give that recipe a try! YUM!

Tina Muir recently posted…3rd Place Finish at the Brooklyn Half Marathon
Thanks!! YES you have to try monster cookies!! They are my favorite! Let me know if you make them
95% of my photos are cat pics, so I admire your restraint! When we’re done with photos I thought we were deleting them, but Josh actually bought an external hard drive to move them to. It’s actually pretty nice, because I’ve had people ask me later if they could use some of my pictures and then I didnt have to either A. try to re-save it from a posted pic and somehow remove the watermark or B. turn someone down when they were trying to use my recipe in a round up, etc. Even if you never touch them again, it’s piece of mind. Plus you can get a HUGE external hard drive for not much money. (I’m sure cloud storage might be cheaper? But I’m old fashioned and like to physically hold my not-physical files in my hands lol)

Kelly @ hidden fruits and veggies recently posted…Strawberry Chai Shortcake
That is really helpful, thanks Kelly!! I’m thinking about getting an external hard drive. I don’t really understand cloud storage.. but I agree, I’d rather physically hold my not-physical files! lol!!
Love your prom pic with your cat, so lovely!
And about the photos – I always save them to my computer and usually delete them immediately from the card. And then when I have time I export the pics to my external hard drive, so that they don’t take over my computer.
I’m glad you commented on my blog, so I now have a new one to read.

Alice recently posted…Where did Saturday go? // Weekend #16
Hehe thank you
so glad to find another cat lady! I just stalked your IG and Twitter