Yesterday was the annual spring geocaching event! My local group placed 15 new caches each with envelopes in them. At the end of the day everyone gathered for a potluck and human board game with the pieces we collected! It was National Paranormal Day, so that was the theme of the event.
Geocaching is a website where you type in your location and it shows you all of the “caches” near you. They all have coordinates with them so you can type it into your GPS. Once you find the cache, you sign your name in the logbook and can trade any of the items you find in it!
Bright and early we headed to the pan-a-cake social for breakfast.
We got the list of new caches and we were off!
Part of the reason I think Geocaching is so cool is because it brings you to places right in your town you never even knew existed!
I fit in a run around noon. I wish I could say it went well, but it didn’t at all. It was a struggle to run 10 minutes miles. I’m taking today off from running because I need it!
At 13:13 there was a flash mob! Not the dancing kind, but just a quick group shot
We went home, relaxed a bit, then headed over to the potluck and human board game! I got 4th, mom got 5th.
BBQ pork, baked beans, tuna salad, veggies, cheese & crackers, and girl scout cookies. It was my first time ever having pulled pork. It wasn’t my favorite, but I was so hungry it tasted great!
Last year the theme of the event was Star Wars. I think it is so cool that I’ve been blogging long enough to go back a whole year!
Have you ever been Geocaching?
Ever had a run where you just could not get moving?
Do you like potlucks?
Mmmm I love me some BBQ – maybe it’s a Southern thing.
That geocoaching thing looks so cool! I wish we had something like that here!
Good for you for taking a rest day – you deserve it!
Love ya!
Jess @ Story of a Girl recently posted…50 Shades of Fit
I’m sure you have it!! Just type in your zip code and there will be some caches!
Love ya too girly
I’ve definitely had runs like that. They are not fun and can be discouraging, but just know a better run will follow it!

Molly@This Life is Sparkling recently posted…I can find where I belong and I’ll find it in a song.
Exactly! It makes the good runs that much better:)
That looks like so much fun! I never knew it had a specific name, but when I was younger (around 8 I think), my dad and I were hiking in a canyon by our house and found a box full of all sorts of fun things and with notes from other people inside! That area gets periodic forests since we live in a chaparral environment, so the box isn’t there anymore, but I have SUCH great memories over going to visit that place. It was so exciting!
Love the theme and all of that comfort food! Baked beans are one of my all-time favorites and Kyle’s mom has the best recipe ever for them :). Mhmm!

Christine@ Apple of My Eye recently posted…Outfit of the Day and Weekend Recap
I just had to google “chaparral” haha
but that is so cool! I bet they have some seriously cool caches in Cali!
I started eating baked beans just this year… no idea why I waited so long!
Oooo geocaching sounds so fun!! I might just have to try doing that one day! Especially if it starts with a pancake social like yours

You know I’m still iffy about running, but I do know how it feels to just be like dead weight during a workout. Happens to the best of us! Rest up, girl!
Alison @ Daily Moves and Grooves recently posted…Fascinating Friday Links #34
Ahhh try it! You would love it!
I’m feeling much better today!
Whoa its been a year?! I remember commenting on your last one when it was Star Wars! I feel old now lol
This looks so fun and Your community seems awesome!

Sunnie@ModernGirlNutrition recently posted…Cast Iron Eggs with Herbs
Hahaha! You were probably the only comment *laughing emoji* You should try Geocaching sometime!!
Geocaching sounds like so much fun! Definitely a great way to get out and explore places you never would of found otherwise!

Chickgettinfit recently posted…Sorry, I’m Not Sorry
Exactly! You should definitely try it sometime
Ah I’ve always wanted to go geocaching but I’ve never been! I have runs like that all the time. I know it’s just my body telling me it’s tired and time for a rest!

Courtney @RunningforCupcakes recently posted…MIMM: I Can’t Play Pool and I Love Sugar
You have to try it! So much fun
I feel much better after a day off!
Oh that is so cool, I have always wanted to do one of those! Sounds like so much fun, and I kind of feel like I experienced it through you
I had one of those runs yesterday….17 miles of heavy sore legs, was not how I pictured one of my last long runs for a while to go! Booooo!

Tina Muir recently posted…Double Liebster Award
My bad 7 miles is nothing compared to your run! Oh man, I can’t imagine 17 miles! Well, they make us stronger in the end
Wait…your eyebrows are perfect….! Random but I had to tell you
Also, my recent 10 mile run was gorgeous but S-L-O-W. It was a mentally “boring” run. Podcast, music, humming, NOTHING could get me amped to speed up or feel “excited” like usual. Sigh, it happens. Just means next long run will be extra special.

Ashley @MilesonOats recently posted…Sushi Tower
Oh, mind-dead runs are the worst!! And thank about my eyebrows! You’re not the first person to tell me that, lol
I don’t even get them done or anything!
I need to start a fan club for you and your mom because you guys are just too cute okay. And that green smoothie just makes the picture. If we lived remotely close to each other you, me, Sunnie, and Liz would be best friends. I’ve never been geocaching, but I asked my dad if he had and he started ranting about how I need to go. Okay, dad. I think I’m about to go for a run right now. I just need to mentally prepare myself for the heat, but you’ve inspired me! xx

Katherine recently posted…Chocolate Chip Granola! (Low Fat, Gluten Free, Sugar Free)
I SO wish we lived closer to each other!! Maybe I should just come live with you for a little while during the summer
and you must try geocaching!! So much fun! Love ya girly 
I totally forgot all about Geocaching! I heard about it a few years ago and immediately gave it a try. I found one in my neighborhood! I’ve moved since then and just somehow forgot about how fun it was!
I have a love/hate relationship with potlucks. I always LOVE the desserts but I’m picky when it comes to main dishes!

Heather @ Prettyhealthymostofthetime recently posted…WIAW #7 The Almond Butter That Wasn’t.
You should try Geocaching again! I bet there’s a ton more in your new neighborhood
I always love the desserts… and the main dishes lol 
That looks like so much fun! I want to try that out today! Also, those pancakes look SO FLUFFY !!! I love the new layout btw !

Erica recently posted…weekly inspiration: think pink
Let me know if you try it!! Thanks, Erica