I am so excited to be accepted into the Recipe Redux! I may or may not have done a happy dance around the house when I got the email. The Recipe Redux is essentially a group founded by Registered Dietitians that promotes creating recipes that are tasty, yet boast nutritional benefits too. Each month there is a theme that the members follow and create a recipe relating to it!
This month’s theme is Cooking with Tea.
Tea cups around the world are bubbling up with bold new flavors: From cardamom chai and sencha green to bubble teas and veggie teas. We wish we could attend the World Tea Expo the end of this month – but in lieu of a plane ticket, we’ll be cooking and baking and stirring up tea-inspired healthy dishes.
Tea isn’t exactly in my usual diet. The one time I tried green tea I spit it out, recoiling from its bitterness. Not even copious amounts of honey could sweeten it up for me. I’ve never tried real chai tea, but I used to get a chai latte at my beloved old café which, unfortunately, doesn’t open its doors anymore.
I went out on a limb and decided to try two new things in one recipe.
1. Chai Tea
2. Coconut Milk Ice Cream
I’ve heard so many good things about ice cream made with coconut milk. As usual, I’ve never had it. (Just add it to the list… Starbucks, Chipotle, Whole Foods…you get the idea). Rather than buy some in the store I decided to make my own!
So basically what we do here is this:
Freeze your ice cream maker and chill your coconut milk the day before you want to make your ice cream.
Brew a strong cup of chai tea. Strong. 2 packets of tea and 1 cup of boiling water. After 10 minutes of steeping your tea, you can throw it in the fridge. It doesn’t need to be chilled, but cold enough that it doesn’t heat the other ingredients. Throw everything in a blender until it’s creamy and smells like paradise.
Pour the mixture into an ice cream maker and follow the manufacturer’s instructions. (Thanks for letting me borrow yours, Ms. Andersen!) Let it churn until it’s thick and resembles soft-serve.
Now, you can eat it like this, or you can throw it in the freezer for a more real ice cream experience. It will probably need about two hours to harden up. Let it thaw for a good 15 minutes until you dish it out. I know it is terrible waiting, but it’s oh so much better.
Melty, aromatic, coconut chai ice cream, come to Mama <3
adapted from the lovely Minimalist Baker
Be sure to check out all of the other reduxes!
Whitney @ To Live & Diet in L.A. says
This looks amazing!!! I wish I had a ice cream maker!
Whitney @ To Live & Diet in L.A. recently posted…Coconut Green Tea Pudding
I’m sure you could make it without one – just mix it around every 15-30 minutes or so! Thanks Whitney!
Looks awesome! Thanks for the share!
Oh my gosh… did THE Minimalist Baker just comment on my post?! lol! Thanks, Dana!
First off, welcome to the Recipe ReDux!! And you hit out of the park with this recipe for sure. Your photos are gorgeous and I can’t wait to try this one – I love the thought of combining chai flavors with coconut
Thanks, Deanna! I’m super excited to be a member! :
Wow, this looks amazing! LOVE that it’s dairy free! Pinning this for later. And welcome to the Recipe Redux!
Kelly @ The Pretty Bee recently posted…Berry Tea Popsicle Recipe.
Oh! I didn’t even realize it is dairy free!! Thanks for sharing
This looks amaaaaazing!!!! Wonderful photos. And don’t worry – I’ve never had almond milk ice cream before. But it’s definitely on the list. Thanks for the wonderful recipe.
Also I really have to read more about Recipe Redux. Sounds so cool.
Josefine {The Smoothie Lover} recently posted…Cinnamon Roll Wreaths
You should try to get in Josefine! The Smoothie Lover would totally be perfect for it thanks girly!
Girrrrl. I am loving your “new home”, the blog renovations are really nice and user friendly. Also, I wouldn’t mind checking out your new digs with a side of this flippen’ ice cream your taunting me with…! It looks incredible.
Ashley @MilesonOats recently posted…WIAW #11
Thanks Ash! (I hope people call you that hehe) I’m still playing around with more design changes, but I’m liking it so far!
Welcome to Recipe Redux! I wish I had an ice cream maker, this looks delicious!
Raquel recently posted…Chai Tea Muffins!
Thanks, Raquel!
I think I want this now! HAHA I think i just found my memorial day dessert
Alexis@fitpossible recently posted…WIAW: I eat Pasta.. a lot of it!
Let me know if you make it!!
I cannot even believe your pictures. They are SO PERFECT.
Molly@This Life is Sparkling recently posted…Good food, unusual timing
Thanks girly that means a ton!
this makes me really want to invest in an ice cream maker! beautiful, scrumptious looking photos! I wish i could reach through the computer screen and try some!
Lex recently posted…WIAW: RIP ABS
haha! I wish I could send you some! but I think by the time it made it to Chicago it might be a little melty..
Oh HECK yes. This sounds ahhhhmazing! I think this needs to be the summer I finally take the plunge and purchase an ice cream maker!
Stephanie @ StephanieRDN.com recently posted…{Guest Post!} Cheating to Survive
I’m thinking I might need to buy one too – I only borrowed this one! Next I want to make frozen yogurt
HOLY MOLY I want this!!! Badly. This is seriously so ingenious. Chai spice is absolutely delightful, but paired with coconut milk and frozen into ice cream?? C’mon now.
Congrats on getting accepted into Recipe Redux! So excited to see your future recipes!
Alison @ Daily Moves and Grooves recently posted…WIAW: The Best Bite
Coconut + chai is seriously an underrated combo! Thanks girly
THESE PHOTOS THOUGH. GIRL. You are KILLING IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! And did you do this all in Pic Monkey?
THANKS LEE!!! Yes, PicMonkey! And I don’t even have the deluxe membership!!
Um YUM, this looks absolutely delicious! Love this use for tea
xoxo Sarah Grace, Fresh Fit N Healthy.
Sarah Grace recently posted…Mint Chocolate Chip Chia Pudding
Thanks, Sarah! I’m trying to check out your blog but it’s blocked on my schools wifi, haha!
Holy amazeballs this sounds absolutely delicious and I am totally going to try this out asap! I’ve been craving coconut and icecream so much but wow, I need this in my life!
sabrina @ nutritiouslysweet recently posted…WIAW #99: Weekend Eats!
Let me know if you try it, Sabrina!
Looks delic! Been following your blog for awhile and you are pretty amazing and inspiring! Hope to see more
Carol recently posted…It’s May 22nd!
Really? Thanks, Carol! I’m glad you decided to leave a comment!
Hee hee. your comment on green tea reminds me of my first reaction: This tastes like grass. Now I do enjoy it occasionally in the summer – but only iced. Your photos are gorgeous – and great instructions on making this recipe step by step. Welcome to ReDux! We’re so glad to have you!
Serena recently posted…Tea Smoked Tilapia – The Recipe ReDux
Hi I am an intern with Meal Makeover Moms! I love coconut and I am gluten free so I think this would be something I would really enjoy! Great photos!
Alexa recently posted…A Recipe for Tea Party Pavlovas {Recipe Redux May Cooking Challenge}
Hi Alexa! I’m happy you think this looks good- let me know if you ever make it!
I need to bust out my ice cream maker and try this. I don’t like tea either, but in ice cream, it must be good, right???
Laura Dembowski recently posted…Strawberry Peach Swirled Smoothies
Yes! The chai adds a depth of flavor let me know if you try it!
This looks amazing! <3
Liz @ Carpe Diem and Run recently posted…How to Get Motivated
WOWZA! These pictures are absolutely gorgeous. Just pinned one! You’re inspiring me to get an ice cream maker!
Kara Lydon, RD recently posted…Recipe Redux: Masala Chai Tea Scones with Vanilla Glaze
Thanks for sharing, Kara! I’d love to know if you get an ice cream maker!!
This looks amazing and I love the photos!
Marie recently posted…Recipe ReDux Post # 22: Banana Almond Chai Smoothie
Thank you
OMG! Leigha your pics are fantastic. I love coconut oil <3
Sunnie@ModernGirlNutrition recently posted…Healthified Cinnamon Berry French Toast
Thanks girly! Coconut oil is definitely growing on me:) but I have to portion it because it’s so dang expensive!!
There isn’t some of this magical frozen delciousness left and you don’t happen to need somebody to help eat the remainders?! I like chai tea, I am crazy about ice cream – I’d be all over this. I swear the blog world has conspired against me because ice cream recipes are appearing everywhere. Making me curse myself for leaving my ice cream maker at my parents’ when moving out. Either way, this looks awesome.
Miss Polkadot recently posted…Good good links #40
You could still make it without an ice cream maker!! And I feel ya girly. I’m seeing ice cream recipes everywhere!
You’re kidding with this Leigha… I need it in my life!! I LOVE any type of dairy-free ice cream, and I also loooove anything chai-related. This is so right up my alley. I also have a sore throat right now, so I am all about the cold, icy treats!!
Jordan @ The Blonde Vegan recently posted…What I Ate Wednesday: Hamptons Style
Cold icy treats are going to be happening a lot around here now with the heat finally coming! I’m glad you like this recipe
, thank you very much for posting this! It is going to help me when I get green tea at the market! Very Fabulous!