Hey hey hey! I don’t always jump on the Thinking Out Loud train, but when I do. . . I do. No idea where I was headed with that one. Let’s just get right to the things floating around in my head!
First thing’s first.
1. I’M MOVING! The house has been up for sale for about 10 months and we finally have a buyer! It’s bittersweet, since I grew up in this house, but the house we’re moving to? It’s perfect. I am so excited to share pics once we move in.
2. I bought these and I am so excited to make crafts with them!
3. The first tulip in the yard! #spring
4. I have been reading the Divergent series. Can’t. Stop.
I just started Allegiant. Must find out what happens.
5. I have been cat sitting Chloe while my family is in NYC/Pennsylvania.
6. Last night I went to my brother’s baseball game. It’s cute to watch, but I’m happy to be done playing. I think I played from 4-14 years old? Lots of summers spent on the field!
7. My running shoe tan line. Tell me I’m not the only one?
8. FOOD.
9. This picture I took of Cleo.
10. Track finals are on Saturday. And I am supposed to be breaking my school’s 2 mile record. To be honest, I’m a little sick of running right now so I am looking forward to being done and taking some time off! I’m sure I’ll be back to it in no time though. Just have to recharge those legs.
So last night I was super stressed. I didn’t get home until 8:30 and I had French homework and to write this post and make lunch for today and pick out an outfit and blah blah blah. After really thinking about things, I calmed down and got my priorities straight. But ugh, sometimes you just feel spread too thin! It’s all okay now and everything worked out fine. Just needed to keep things honest around here!
Talk to you tomorrow for Fashion Friday!
great post
are you moving school 2 or just house?
must be pretty exciting but i get what you mean about bittersweet thtas what it felt like when we moved 
Just house! It’s actually only about 4 blocks away from my house right now haha
haha you can visit your old house when ever you want so
Girl my runners tan is out of control. sports bra/shorts/socks lines out of this world! haha
That food looks absolutely delicious! Especially the mac n cheese
And OMG so exciting about the 2 mile record! You can do it!!

Sally Rae recently posted…Five Things Friday
I hope so! Thanks girly
Definitely feeling you on feeling spread too thin, girl! I’m currently going through the same kind of thing, and I swear most of it is in my head. I mean, yeah, there’s tonnes to do sometimes, but I think I stress myself out more than I need to because I start freaking that I won’t have enough time to get everything done… when in reality, everything always somehow manages to get done anyways. Just gotta breathe and remind myself of that.

Amanda @ .running with spoons. recently posted…. thinking out loud #80 .
Right! My thing is that I make things a bigger deal than they really are. When I put things in perspective at how important they really are I feel wayyy better.
I love the divergent series! I’m on the third book and I can’t wait to read it! I have a start of a sports bra tan line going on. But it’s not as bad as your hspe tan line, at least not yet

Chickgettinfit recently posted…Thursday Thoughts #12- Summer Stuff
I had my first sports bra run yesterday
I love that it’s finally warm enough for it!
Ahhh!!! I read Divergent two years ago and fell in love! I still need to read the last book though! Let me know if it was good
I even got my big to get hooked
Oh and I totally feel ya with feeling overwhelmed. I felt that way for most of this year! Practicing twice a day while balancing difficult classes, a social life, and a blog is hard work. Hang in there! Summer is almost here 

Brittany @ DulceVie recently posted…Siblings Graduate
Wait.. TWICE a day practice?! You go girl! I’m about halfway through Allegiant right now. It’s a little boring, but SO much information to process!!
Feel free to laugh but I’m envious of your tan line – because it means you’re actually getting enough sun to work up a tan :). We’ve been missing out again lately but here’s to nicer days. Hopefully soon.

I SO hear you on spreading yourself too thin. The scenario you described is me pretty much every Sunday night. I end up with a dozen things on my to-do and a few more on my want-to-do [read: fun] list only to get totally overwhelmed. Stresshead much? Yes. I know just saying it doesn’t help but you’re not alone there.
Miss Polkadot recently posted…Celebrating [blogger birthdays], cereal and contemplation
It makes me feel better that I’m not the only one who stresses myself out! Thanks, Ms. P!
I loved the Divergent series! I listened to it as an audiobook on my long runs and it definitely kept me going many times! Good luck with the record-you’ll do awesome!

Aurora@Fitness is Sweet recently posted…Reflections from a Formerly (?) Sick Person
I’ve always wanted to get into audiobooks – sometimes I want a change from the music, you know? Thanks girly!
Okay, I have too many thoughts to put into one comment. BUT I’ll try. 1). Your kitties are precious and I want to cuddle them. 2). My brother played baseball, and it was always SO BORING to watch the little ones, because they don’t play much of a constructive game yet. Most of them just rolled around in the grass or played in the dirt….3). FOOD. 4). Yay (not yay?) for track season and rest. Give it your all, and then give yourself a much deserved rest! You can hike vicariously through me until then.
Love ya!!

Jess @ Story of a Girl recently posted…WIAW: So many food pics
Hahaha I will answer in the same fashion
1). omg I love kitties 2). hahaha I know a lot of the time they would be throwing their gloves in the air and try to catch them
3). right?! 4). That is really good advice. I’ll remember that. Thanks girly! Love ya too!
Yay for moving! I can’t wait to see pics
Read Allegiant with tissues nearby – that’s all I’m going to say. And running shoe tan lines? Ugh. I tan so easily and when I used to play soccer I had a sock line, a lighter foot from running, and a shorts line. My mom wanted me to wash my knees because that was the only part of me that was tan (on my legs). I feel ya, girl!

Liz @ Carpe Diem and Run recently posted…Love Yo’ Self
Hahahaha I’m sure soccer tanlines were super hot. When I played softball I’d be white above my shorts line and below my sliding pad and sock so the only place I’d be tan was a little patch on my thigh!
I definitely spread myself too thin at times, which bites me in the butt when I start losing sleep and becoming a zombie.

Girl, I WISH I was getting some sort of tan! I was out in the sun all day today and I think I still look the same.
Good luck at track finals!!
Alison @ Daily Moves and Grooves recently posted…WIAW: Fine, I Love Almond Butter
Really?! If I’m only out for 10 minutes I’ll get some color!
Thanks Alison!!!
I usually realize that I’m spreading myself too thin when its gone well to my head and I’m a heaving, breathless, anxiety attacking mess. So my best plan of action is “prevention”. I’m working on it.. but by oh boy, I feel like I have to remind myself every two seconds to: breath deeply.. focus.. take it calmly. When you mentioned feeling tired regarding the running; I felt the exact.same way with horse-riding. As much as I was passionate – my body needed a proper rest after all those years and falls(!).. and I was actually mentally burnt out. Oooops now I’m rambling.

Good luck on the move girl. I can imagine it would b bittersweet, but at least its nearby right
Hahhaa love the runners tan!
Ms.j recently posted…WIAW Sherlock Holmes style
Thanks, Ms.J! Prevention is a really good plan of action. Stop it before it even starts. I think it’s really cool you were a horseback rider! I’ve always wanted to try it but I haven’t got around to it yet!
Great post! You’ve been nominated for a Liebster award on my blog – check it out at http://thefitfoodieeats.wordpress.com/2014/05/30/happy-friday-and-liebster-honour/
Awww, thank you! I love getting nominated!
So exciting about moving! And I always get seem to get burnt out on running after races and such, but the running bug always seems to come back eventually

Molly@This Life is Sparkling recently posted…Catch up
Yes! I like long distances, but 1 mile and 2 mile races are too short for me
Lovely post! The cats are really cute! Thanks for sharing!