Hello and happy WIAW! I’ve got a great day of eats to share from yesterday – let’s get started! I’m feeling like I can tell what my body is craving and I’m honoring it. Three cheers for intuitive eating!
green smoothie + a few slices of homemade pumpernickel rye (recipe coming soon!) with peanut butter and guac + a little fruit + a kitty in the background
And another little slice because it sounded good.
Then I went on a bike ride with my friend Taylor! I’d say we did at least 10 miles.
Then I came home to pack up my room since we are moving. I. Hate. Packing.
pumpernickel bread + guac + farm fresh egg, an apple, some kale + mushrooms
a bite of Mom’s panini with pesto, mozzarella, and tomato
and a moonpie that Taylor gave me
a slice of leftover pizza (homemade! (recipe coming soon)) topped with black beans? it worked.
I felt like roasting some asparagus so I did. I had a couple stalks.
And then I made peanut butter brownies (made from last FPP!) for a bonfire I was going to later!
pizzapizzapizza <3 I think this plate x 3. then some of the brownies I made.
yellow watermelon!!
Then we all watched an outdoor movie! The Call. It was kind of scary, not gonna lie. Not like thriller, but suspense!
I got home a little after midnight. Later than I’d usually like, but it’s okay once in awhile! I had a great night with my friends
Yellow watermelon! Amazing!
All of your meals look great and knowing you went with your intuition the whole time? Even better. It’s what I’m striving for, too, and while I’m not yet there I feel every time I ‘get’ it the food tastes even better – even if that sounds odd saying it.

A bonfire? Aaah, it’s been too long for me. Scary movies, however? Noooo way. More like: I’m a scaredy cat and won’t even come close to those movies. When I have girls’ nights with my friends we always watch romantic ones and when out with previous boyfriends they at least had to let me pick a funny one.
Miss Polkadot recently posted…Baby, it’s hot outside!
I know what you mean! Eating exactly what you’re craving tastes so good!
I used to hate scary movies – nightmares! But now I can pretty much watch anything! (except for The Hauning in Connecticut… that gave me nightmares for months!)
I love bonfires! I could just sit at one every night
i try not to eat intuitively i like to control my cravings by just saying no
i love teh look of the pizza! never had a green smoothie before but am tryign this summer as my mum grew kale
Have you ever had pizza?! I grew kale last year too!
Aaah such a fun day! I’m totally with you on Intuitive eating.. let’s make that 6 cheers
. It has done wonders for my mental state ever since honouring hunger and cravings. Oh on the topic of cravings: you’ve got me craving peanut butter brownies, and the only answer would be whipping up a batch myself. booh, bummer!

Scary movies..hmmm, it depends – on my mood, the day, the movie of course. I find ORPHAN to be the most scariest I can tolerate .. does that make me a chicken?
Ms.j recently posted…WIAW – em”brace”ing my options
Yes! It definitely helps my mental state!
I loved Orphan! Something about movies with kids makes them even scarier. Even though she technically wasn’t a kid, lol!
MMM, I can’t wait for the pumpernickel rye recipe!

Nichole recently posted…wiaw #12 (whole 30, round 2)
I’m so excited to share! Secret ingredient: coffee!!
I am so happy that you are eating intuitively! :D:D:D All your eats look amazing!

Liz @ Carpe Diem and Run recently posted…#Summerstyle Goals
Thanks girly!
Dang girl thats a lot of recipes coming up. I wish I had time to bake like that. Those brownies… my mouth is already watering. I cant wait to see the recipe
I’ve literally baked something every day for like the past week! Gotta love summer free time
Intuitive eating is so freeing and ugh I’m so proud of you! Your eats look amazing. Especially that crunchy pb, can you say YUM? I went biking with some friends the other day, and I’d forgotten how insanely fun it is. So is yellow watermelon. I feel so trendy whenever I eat it. And an outdoor movie? That’s brilliant. My swim team is really into suspense/scary movies, so I’ve seen The Call and nearly every other scary movie in the books. Not my cup of tea, but the bonding is always fun! The next month or so I’m going to be travelling loads, so I won’t have any time to bake, so I’m quite jealous of all those swoon worthy recipes coming up! That being said, I can’t wait to pin them and add them to my never ending ‘To Bake’ list!

Katherine recently posted…3 Ingredient Pineapple Smoothie.
I’m super jealous of your travelling! You better post about it!
and yes – being active with friends is SO much fun! Even better than when you’re alone. You don’t even realize you’re exercising!
Danggg that breakfast looks amazing. So does lunch…and snack…and dinner.
Hooray for eating intuitively! Sometimes you’re hungry for more, and sometimes you just want that extra treat. It’s guatever!

Alison @ Daily Moves and Grooves recently posted…WIAW: Yesterday
Exactly! Some days I want dessert for every meal, sometimes I don’t want it at all. It all balances out!
I HATED THE CALL!!! I snuck in with friends (since I wasn’t 17 yet!) and I totally regretted it. Scary movies and I don’t mix. What bothered me was that it was more creepy and wrong than jump out at you scary.
Where did you get yellow watermelon? I want to try some!!
Good luck breaking the record! I know you will. And then you will have a well deserved break (;

Emily @smilemilegirl recently posted…Scales are for Fishes
It was so creepy! That man was so messed up!! I’m not sure where the watermelon came from; it was at my friend’s house!