Well, I am now living at my grandma and grandpa’s house! Mom and I had to be out of our house yesterday and can’t get into the new house until August 1st (but hopefully sooner!). Since it’s WIAW, today I’m sharing my first full days of eats, all at Grandma and Grandpa’s house!
I didn’t feel like making oatmeal and I was out of English muffins… so toast it was! It’s been awhile since I had a good ol’ PB&J. In my green smoothie was milk (cow’s since we aren’t going to buy almond while we’re here), frozen spinach, banana, melon (cantaloupe?), blueberries, cottage cheese, and greek yogurt.
Breakfast fueled me for a morning of errands in town! Lots of signing papers for mom (we don’t own our house anymore!) , grocery shopping, and a trip to the health food store <3
I am like a little kid in a candy store in there. Mom actually left me there and went to do some of her stuff! I struck up a conversation with who I think was the owner… possible future job?!
I hope! Sadly I didn’t buy any of the nut butter.. $15 for a jar is just a little too much!
A veggie pasty from the health food store. I found out they make them fresh every Tuesday so this might be a weekly thing! I split one with mom and had a greenish/gray smoothie with the same things from breakfast plus strawberries.
After lunch I was kind of bored, haha! Summer will do that to ya. I went on a bike ride into town to see Mom and Grandma at the old house, as they were cleaning it before the new people get there. I did my core workout, went down by the water, then had an apple with sunbutter + a glass of milk!
A little while later I was hungry but didn’t want to eat too much because I had a basketball scrimmage at 6. So this happened:
Avocado/cottage cheese/salt/pepper/garlic powder toast! So simple, so yummy.
Ohhhmyyyygosh. Can anyone tell me why I have never made a yogurt bowl?! So good. I took a container of strawberry yogurt, topped it with granola from Kathryn‘s giveaway, milk, and bananas. Partay in muh mouth.
Then I added more milk + granola cuz it was so good.
I wasn’t really even hungry but I figured I needed a few more calories for the day – I don’t want to wake up in the middle of the night starving! Right before bed I had more granola + banana + milk. I know I didn’t eat a real “dinner” but it’s hard to do when I have basketball right during dinner time! What’s good is that I don’t worry about it. I ate a bigger lunch since I knew I wouldn’t eat as much at dinner. I ate more snacks than normal. And that’s okay! I’m listening to my body and what it’s telling me which is the most important thing!
Have you ever had (or heard of!) a pasty?
^^^learn about them here!
You made a good choice with that nut butter in you hand
I love Wild Friends!
I didn’t get it!! Just a little too expensive!!
Yummm the meals look tasty and the scenery looks beautiful!
Thanks, Liz!
Yogurt bowls are the best, right?!?! I literally live for them. And that veggie pastry looks amazing. I hope you enjoy living with grandma and grandpa for the summer! Sounds like fun!

Jordan @ The Blonde Vegan recently posted…What I Ate Wednesday: Gingersnap’s Organic Cleanse Style
Can you eat yogurt bowls as a vegan?! Thanks
The pasty you had looks savory and yummy! What was inside of it?

Wherever your grandparents live looks absolutely beautiful too!
Sky @ The Blonde In Black recently posted…WIAW #3: Coconut Flour is Weird
I’m not exactly sure of all the veggies, but I know there was potatoes, carrots, rutabagas, and spices! I’m actually eating another one right now
That pasty looked really good! I love your combinations of smoothies. I need to experiment more with adding different ingredients.

Lisa recently posted…WIAW 5 a day Berries and Veggies
I typically always add the same things to my smoothies! I like to add chia seeds but I am not sure where they are right now, haha!
OMG you have Wild Friends at your local grocery store?!?! I have to buy them online because I can’t find them anywhere here!
And the smoothie with breakfast – I dig. My breakfast doesn’t feel complete without it!
Also, I really need to have some toast – I haven’t had any in forever!
Hope you have a wonderful week, love!

Jess @ Story of a Girl recently posted…WIAW: Instagram isn’t glamorous.
YES I have Wild Friends!! But I need to eat the 12 other nut butters I have before I can buy it… hehehe
ever since you’ve started drinking green smoothies with breakfast I have been too, and it’s SO good! Such a great way to get in a salad at breakfast!
You too
Moving is so stressful, but kind of fun! At least you can spend quality time with your grandparents now

Brittany @ DulceVie recently posted…Weekend Happenings + Jolly Good Fellows
Right!! It’s kind of like a superlong sleepover
Gah I would do anything to have the variety of nut butter you get over there! Serious envy here! And I get you on the bored thing – I’m on holidays too and just end up reading blogs all day long! I’m loving the look of those granola bowls!

Aimee @Healthy petite recently posted…WIAW #4 – Up and Down
I’m trying to limit my blog reading and internet time! I want to spend some times outdoors, ya know?
Love all the eats!
mmmm that veggie pastry looks so good, makes me want to attempt to make my own calzone haven’t had one of those in forever!

Tatum | EATS FROM The oil patch blog recently posted…{Chewy} Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Quinoa Cookies
I want to try and make calzones! Mmmm
Mhmmm so much good looking food! The area that your grandparents live in looks gorgeous and I tottttaaallllyyy know what you mean when you say you feel like a kid in a candy store when you go to health food specialty shops. SO MUCH FUN.

Christine@ Apple of My Eye recently posted…No-Bake Cookie Dough Energy Bites
They do live in a gorgeous place, and they house I’m moving to is even better!! Haha yes. I could look around for hours!
Oh everything looks so tasty, especially the almond butter!

genevieve @ gratitude & greens recently posted…Tips For Healthy Travel
I wish I would’ve bought it!!
That veggie pasty looks delicious! And what a beautiful setting by the water!
We’re so lucky to live right on Lake Michigan!
Yogurt bowls are my life. Like don’t even get me started about how excited I am you tried one and how much I love them!

Chickgettinfit recently posted…WIAW #22- Lots O Fruit
I’ve had one every day since! So yummy!!
Those pasties look so good!! Imma have to find some somewhere! And I kinda love that yogurt + milk bowl idea.
I don’t know if they’d have pasties anywhere in NY! But you should definitely look. The pasties are worth it.
My eyes almost popped out of my head on seeing the sweet supply of nut butter in that store! Jumping jiminy crickets
!! I wonder how much that would be in rands…

I feel like I’m the only human whose CONSTANT milk of choice is “cows”. Not that I have a problem with it.. but I would appreciate if my end of the world would at the very least, get some Almond milk in; to allow my curiosity of taste to be appeased
I am unacquainted with a pasty, but boy it does look good.
Ms.j recently posted…Cravings
I don’t mind cows milk at all! I definitely prefer it to drink plain over almond milk.
A pasty is basically a meat/potato/veggie mixture all combined inside of a flaky crust.. in other words, perfection
There is literally nothing better than a peanut butter sandwich slathered with peanut butter and wedged with fruity, sweet jam. Comfort food!! Cereals for dinner are the best.

Tash xx
Tash recently posted…Nutty sweet potato & goats cheese mango mélange
I agree
gotta love the ol’ PB&J!