Our second day in Utah was filled with things to do. First, my cousin Tricia gave us a tour of the University of Utah, where she goes to school!
Campus was beautiful.
I don’t know if I see myself there in the future. But who knows!
After that we went to lunch.
More in depth food post coming soon
Then we went to Olympic Park!
Olympic Park has a training place where you can learn to freestyle ski into a pool. This is a video I took of one girl I’m pretty sure is a future Olympian.
Then we went to Park City to ride alpine slides!
You get to ride the chairlift up the mountain. It’s so pretty.. but a little scary!
Alpine slides have been on my mom’s bucket list since 1990. She can check that one off!
It was so fun. Super fast, too.
And then we got caught in another downpour.
It didn’t last too long, just enough that my other cousin Laura and her dad didn’t get to do the slides!
Once it cleared up we got in the cars to head back to Salt Lake. On the way we stopped at Bridal Veil Falls.
I got some new things for food photography! Love that place so much. But it’s SO overwhelming!
That’s all for Tuesday!
Omigosh the alpine slides look amazing! As do the bridal veil falls and that skier – wow!
So much fun
I’ve never even heard of alpine slides before, but your picture makes me want to jump on one right now!! Great recap. The campus is so beautiful!
Right? Although I’m not sure it’s as beautiful as yours in Cali
Alpine sliding looks so darn fun!!! Yet another reason I want to go to Utah. And I’ve heard that Ikea has some awesome prices on their dorm beddings. I gotta check that out too!
IKEA. I can’t get over how much stuff that place has. You could literally get everything for your house there!
Beautiful! And that campus looks stunning
But…damn…that slide looks horrifying, haha!
It was definitely scarier than I expected!!
The alpine slides are now on my bucket list!! They look so fun!! And yes, you should go to college in Utah just to be close to that Whole Foods haha
And to be closer to you!!
Man, I’d never even considered the University of Utah, but it’s so gorgeous. Mountains view out your dorm window? Um YES please! I heard about alpine sliding from one of my brother’s best friends who lives in Utah, and ever since then I’ve had that on my bucket list! It looks like SO much fun. Like seriously. It’s crazy. And those falls are gorgeous! I saw tons of waterfalls this summer, and they never get old. Nature is so cool.
Maybe we should both consider it and go together
but you should definitely go alpine sliding if you can! And right? I can just sit and stare at nature/waterfalls forever!
It looks so pretty there! I have never been to Utah before, but it looks like I need to visit it now! There are so many places I need to see in the West Coast! And it looks like you guys had a lot of fun
I once went luging (spelled right?) which was similar to what you did! It was a lot of fun.. but my brother thought it would be funny to run me off the road and into a ditch. That part was not fun.. it makes a good story though!
Girl you LIVE on the West Coast during the school year! Definitely take advantage of that!! And that is too funny. I was scared that I was going to go off the edge during the slide!
I’m pretty sure those ski lifts (or whatever they’re called) are the same ones we went to during Blend!! I have pictures just like that
Ahh so cool! Wish I could’ve gone!
Hey gorgeous lady! I could live in IKEA. Especially since they have a restaurant and weird little rugs made out of fake fur. Oh, and 390853409 different floors of random home decor that make my heart sing. You look so happy in these pictures, I hope your soaking up summer and enjoying yourself on this new adventure.
Thanks girly! I’ve missed ya! Hope your summer has been great as well
Love the picture of Bridal Veil Falls! I’ve never been to Utah but it looks beautiful.
I had no idea how beautiful it was!
what kind of camera do you have? you take great photos!
I have a Canon Rebel T3i with a 17-55mm lens and a 50mm f/1.8 lens
thank you!!
I agree, Ikea is super overwhelming! Did you know that if you go there in the morning just before they open, they serve coffee for free in the cafe?! It’s awesome, haha. Anyways. Alpine slides look like a ton of fun (and kind of scary for me because I’m a big baby…)!! Utah is so gorgeous. I love the dorms on campus, too!
What?! I don’t like coffee, but that’s so cool, haha! They were scary.. SO fast and you feel like you’re gonna go off the side!
OH the bridal veil falls are breathtaking. And how aptly named! I’m kinda struck by the Uni of Utah too… would be fun to wake up -in those dorms- to such glorious surroundings. So you don’t see yourself there though!?
It’s not totally out of the question! If things work out and I could get a scholarship I would definitely consider the U