Another Homecoming Week is over! It’s a lot of fun, but I don’t think I could do it for any more than a week. With cross country practice, hall decorating, and airband practice I get to school at 7:30 and don’t get home until 10:30 at night! Here are a few pics from the week – I’ll do a separate post with pictures from the dance!
Monday – Color Day & Powderpuff Game
The sophomores were green! Every year there’s a powderpuff game where the girls play football and the boys coach. We beat the freshmen 28-14! We made up for losing last year!
Tuesday – Twin Day
Just Evil Knievel and Shevil Knievel.
Later on Tuesday I had a meet where I got 3rd in 20:10! So close to breaking 20…
Wednesday – College Day
Wearing my Michigan Tech sweatshirt I bought when I went to engineering camp! I actually worked on Wednesday after decorating the hall for a little while.
Thursday – Theme Day & Hall Viewing
The theme this year was Musicals and the sophomores picked Footloose! For theme day we wore flannels like they did in the movie.
Later on Thursday was the reveal of all the halls! The community comes to the high school to see what we worked on all week and votes on their favorite hall. We decorated ours with scenes from Footloose.
Juniors did Frozen as their musical.
And then cleanup where we rip down everything we worked so hard on!
Our hall ended up getting second place for both the Viewer’s Choice and the judges pick!
Friday – Game Day
At school on Friday each class performs an airband which relates to your hall’s theme. Here is our dance! I’m in the black tank top and shorts and then the pink dress at the end!
Later that night was the game!
We ended up losing 21-13 but it was fun to watch and play in the band!
I would post pictures from the dance but that would be a little too many pictures for one post so I’ll do another one later this week While Homecoming was a ton of fun I have missed reading blogs and I’m looking forward to catching up – I feel like I haven’t talked to any bloggers in forever!
Enjoy your Sunday!
Haha, you high school homecoming week was exactly like mine! We did all that spirit stuff (although I usually didn’t, haha! Except for college shirt day!)
Dressing up is my favorite part of the week! The crazier the day, the better
Wow, What a week. But it looks like you had a lot of fun
So much fun!
Ah that looks like so much fun! You looked like you kicked butt in the powderpuff game
Hahaha thanks, Stephanie
You’re homecoming seems way more fun then I ever remember mine being, but then again I wasn’t nearly as involved in school as you are
And girl, LEGS MUSCLES. Jealous, hehe.
Sometimes I get overwhelmed with how much I’m involved in, but it’s definitely worth it for all of the memories! Hehehe thanks