Look at meee posting three days in a row! That’s what happens when I have deadlines to meet.
Today’s recipe is brought to you by the fabulous company Sunwarrior. A few weeks ago I received an email asking if I’d like to create a smoothie recipe using their products for the #SunwarriorSmoothieChallenge! I had heard so many great things about them but never had a chance to try their products so you can bet I was in. Here are some sweet facts about Sunwarrior:
- great tasting, raw, plant based proteins for muscle-building, recovery, and more
- always free of anything GMO’s, chemicals, acids, solvents, dairy, gluten, and anything artificial
- silky smooth and delicious to add to your smoothies and your life!
I only like to post about brands I truly love and would recommend, and Sunwarrior is no exception. In addition to the vanilla warrior blend protein I used in this recipe, they also have supergreens, activated barley, and an immune shield for recovery. I don’t know exactly what all of these do, but I know they’re full of good-for-you ingredients that will make your body happy and healthy! There’s also a chocolate flavored powder and I do see a chocolate/peanut butter smoothie in the near future
For my smoothie recipe I went for a classic – actually, two classics! The purple is berry/açaí and the green is banana/kale/avocado. You can mix ’em up or make them separately! I was going to make these all double layered but chickened out just incase they ended up seeping together and making poop brown.
The purple/açaí one is totally fruity and sweet while the green one has a slight vegetable flavor – I don’t mind, but if you do, just add in some more protein powder or fruit and it will cover the taste! Also, I highly recommend adding avocado and/or coconut oil to either one. Soooo creamy.
I kept two of them in the fridge overnight since I didn’t exactly want to drink three smoothies in a row and they kept beautifully! The purple one separated a little on the bottom but when stirred back together it tasted fine. I think you could totally do some meal prep and store these in the fridge for easy snacking or breakfast!
I’m going to sign off early so I can try get to bed at a decent hour tonight. This time change + late nights of writing = tiiired Leigha. I’ll hopefully have a post up later this week!

I was provided product for this recipe. All opinions are my own!
Those look really good I will have to try them. Thanks!!
Let me know if you do!
I’ve always wanted to try Sunwarrior, but for some reason I never have! This is as good motivation as anything – gotta love green smoothies. <3 Especially since I have been majorly lacking in the greens department these days – that is so cool that there are so many nutrients in a protein powder!
I know, right? You should definitely try some of their powders
I still struggle to eat vegetables in their whole state (braces..) so my green smoothies are my major source of greens!
GORGEOUS photos!! I want to dive right in
Thank you!!
I LOVE smoothies and this looks really yummy. You take fantastic pictures by the way! I’m a transplant Yooper – going on 4 years full time. we moved into our deer hunting cabin and made it home. Love it in da UP!
Thanks, Debi! So cool
Where did you move to?!
The colours of these smoothies are gorgeous! I love adding avocados into my smoothies- so green and creamy. I haven’t tried sun warrior protein powder yet, but this is probably because I don’t use very much protein powder. Will def keep an eye out for it the next time I’m out. Pinned for later- these sound so yummy!
Thanks girlie! I don’t use too much protein powder, but it is nice to have for days when I’m feeling like I need some protein!
B-E-A-U-tiful pics Leigha!!
Thanks Faith!!
These look delicious <3
This looks absolutely delicious!
These look really good.
I have been craving smoothies all the time lately! and I know about procrastination as well! Love the purple and green together, that is one of my favorite color combinations. Pretty!
Thanks Allyson!
This looks wonderful…love the two tone
Thanks Marla! It was kind of an experiment but I love how it turned out
Banana – Kale – Avocado is such a delicious classic! We love the idea of adding a tbsp of oats for texture!
MUST try this smoothie stat!!
They both turned out a really nice color, even the green one! Fun to see a blogger from the UP!