Sorry for falling off the face of blog world last week! After having multiple late nights of writing posts I needed a break. Before I get to my workouts I have some pictures from this past week to share!
Lots of cooking:
Spinach-Feta Quinoa Cakes + Honey-Glazed Carrots
Avocado, Strawberry, Cashew, and Spinach Salad with Avocado Oil Poppy Seed Dressing
Grilled Salmon, Guacamole, and Spinach Sandwiches on Ciabatta + sweet potato fries
An egg, Top With Cinnamon-style
Didn’t take a picture, but I went to see McFarland, USA. It was so good!! And it definitely inspired me to train hard to be the best runner I can be. I highly recommend going.
Here are last week’s workouts! It was the first week of track practice so lots of running (and weight training!). It was a heavier first week but next week probably won’t be as intense because I’m going out of town.
1 mile warm up + dynamic warm up
- 2 x 10 45# squats
- 2 x 10 45# bench press
- 2 x 5 45# hex bar deadlift & shoulder shrugs
- 2 x 10 30# seated leg curl
- 2 x 10 30# leg extension
- 2 x 10 135# leg press
- 2 x 10 135# calf raises
- misc arm curls, hyperextensions, lateral arm raises
1 mile cool down, 8 minute abs
2 miles total
1 mile warm up + dynamic warm up
2 rounds of track ab workout with 1/2 mile jog in between
- 12 burpees
- 30 sec Russian twists
- 30 sec situps
- 30 sec crunches
- 30 sec legs in air crunches
- 1 min plank
- 12 pushups
- 1 min bicycle
- 30 sec superman
1.5 mile cooldown
3 miles total
First shorts run of the year!!!!!
2.6 mile warm up
5 x 5 minutes hard, 5 minutes easy
cooldown for 11 miles total
The hard parts were definitely HARD, but I’m starting to appreciate the speed workouts and I might even say enjoy(?!) them!
Thanks for riding your bike with me, Olivia! I don’t know if I could have gotten through this without you!
6 easy miles @ 8:32 avg (first mile wasn’t included in distance but it is in the time) + dynamic warm up
1 mile warm up + dynamic warm up
- 2 x 10 65# chair squats
- 2 x 10 55# bench press
- 2 x 50 65# powerclean
- auxilaries as above
1 mile total (lol!)
7 miles @ 7:55 avg + 8 minute abs
“Long” run for the week – since track races are shorter my long runs are going to start focusing more on speed rather than distance. I miiight still throw a few real long ones in though because I love them
Also work 12-8 which means 8 hours on my feet. By the end of the day I was DEAD.
5 miles @ 7:46 avg + blogilates abs
Weekly miles: 35
Yesterday I finally set up my Garmin Connect account which syncs my Garmin runs online and provides a ton of cool stats. (like the picture from Wednesday!) Add me so we can be friends!
This week will be crazy – I’m leaving for Lansing on Wednesday and will be gone until Sunday! I do have a post planned during the trip and I’m hoping to get another one ready to go while I’m gone. I’ll definitely do a recap of my trip, but you can read about last year’s Youth in Government trip here! It was so much fun and I’m sure this year will be great as well!
Ah I want to make Irish Soda Bread now!! And I haven’t even heard of McFarland USA…I wanna go now!
Enjoy your trip:)
You have to go see it!! Thanks
Can I just say….that salmon sandwich!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And the guacamole <3 <3 <3 so good!!
Your 11 miler sounds awesome! I love the 5 minute hard, 5 minute easy pattern you did. I’ve done runs like that in the past but not for a while, so you’ve inspired me to do one of those soon!
Do it!! If I’m not in a sport, most of my runs are just regular easy… it does feel good to change it up!
People riding bikes next to you while you run is so motivational! During the cross country season we did a long run workout in which we really sped up for the last two miles and my coach would ride his bike slightly in front of me for the last two miles. I would have to keep up with him, and he would challenge me to keep on decreasing my time until I was under 13 minutes. It was so difficult, but really motivational as well. Like you, am also in love with long runs!
That’s awesome! For cross country my coach just runs with us, haha
under 13 minutes on your last two miles of a long run is AWESOME!
I love those shorts! Sounds like you had a great running week!
TJ Maxx
The pi day quinoa flakes are so cute! I’ve been so busy this week, I haven’t exercised much and this post has really motivated me to get my act together and get my butt outdoors or to the gym. Happy Tuesday! <3
Outdoors is definitely what I’d recommend
thanks girly!
McFarland, USA was so so good! I was excited about it for weeks. I totally tried to play it off like I thought the kids would enjoy it but everyone saw right through me. And I got busted for getting teary eyed at the end. So lame!
Thanks for posting your workouts. I’ll see if I get some inspiration!
Me too!! It shows a side of cross country not many people see!
How nice with these posts. I like how you do multiple things during one workout – I usually just run
I do also do strength workouts, but I rarely combine the two. The curse of being a long distance runner
But I should definiely start combining them 
Thanks for a very inspiring post
I try to vary things up instead of just one thing! But running will always be my fave