Hello everyone! I hope you all had a fabulous weekend – I sure did! I talked last week about starting a “weekly workouts” type of post so here is my first one! Before I get into that, a few things from this weekend.
Appetizer night for dinner with Mom! Bruschetta, pepperjack soup, and mac & cheese wedges.
Doughnut and muffin for dessert because sugar.
I tried again to make pancakes using steel cut oats and coconut flour but they still were a major flop. (get it? pancakes…flop…:) I think my problem is that I didn’t use any binder so they totes fell apart. What can I use besides an egg? I’m thinking banana or flax egg.But when topped with maple syrup and peanut butter and bananas… mmmmm.
7 miles with this girl who is home from college! I also think it’s time for only needing three layers for runs
And some xc skiing with this lady! I really want to make sure I get out as much as possible before the snow gets melty. This will be the one thing I miss about winter!
Oh She Glows‘s Indian lentil-cauliflower soup (from her cookbook) with cheesy beer bread. Mom made the bread yesterday and we had the soup in the crockpot so when we got home all we had to do was scoop some soul-soothing soup (alliteration alert) into our bowls to warm up from skiing!
It took some serious willpower to not eat them but some people needed gifts because they’re awesome
I had my own dessert of leftover pancakes, coconut oil, apple, peanut butter, and ice cream but I’ll spare you the photo because dark lighting = ugly pic.
Okaaay, workout time!
4 miles @ 8:03 avg + 8 minute abs + post run power exercises <— KILLER. I dare you to try them! I’m definitely going to make them a part of my routine from now on because I think they’ll really help my legs get strong.
Easy basketball practice + 8 minute abs
8 minute abs + basketball game!
7 easy miles @ 9:57 avg
2.3 mile cross country ski
I was planning on taking Sunday off as well, but my cousin is home from college so I can’t say no to a run with her. Also, it’s not often that Mom and I can ski together and we only have a little bit of time left!
So let’s talk about those three days off. Again: off. Zero exercise. Nothing.
When basketball got done I knew that I should take some time off before tracks starts to get ready for a season of hard training. I didn’t necessarily want to be a blob just sitting there, but I know that by taking a few days off it will get me ready to train hard and not burn out halfway through the season because I haven’t given my body a rest.
I’m talking complete rest days – not even 8 minute abs or random squats. 100%, NO exertion whatsoever. It was so weird, but I also made sure to embrace the time to just chill on the couch, not worry about getting exercise, and let my body recover and get ready to start running daily.
A wonderful thing that did come from my laziness was that I found out that I was still very hungry and I did not balloon out from lack of movement. It’s not that I was worried about it, but it’s always a thought that if you don’t exercise you’ll blow right up. Not true! Another thing I noticed was that I felt super sore. Maybe it’s just my muscles building themselves up again, but I thought that was interesting that being a couch potato made my legs hurt!
So while this wasn’t the first “weekly workouts” I was expecting, I think it’s still an important one to post. I’m finally accepting that rest is just as important as training and if I don’t always have the time to exercise as much as I’d like, it’s okay.
And now it’s past 11 and I thought I was going to be in bed early.
Tell me about your weekends!
So cool you cross country ski! I’ve never done it before, but my parents love it. I’m glad you rested! I know getting back into track season will be that much better because of it.
My “weekend” is today! After we go to the gym to run, Brett and I are going to head into the city. We’ll do some fun reading at Starbucks, eat tortas for dinner (ever heard of them?!) and them I’m going to a Deliciously Ella book signing (one of my favorite bloggers:) Should be fun! Oh and hopefully some laundry action will happen too!
Oh you have to try it! I love it so much.
Okay your day sounds SO awesome!! I haven’t heard of tortas but after googling them I want to try one
and seriously so jealous about the book signing!! I love her blog so much!!
I had to take most of last week off too because I was sick and I felt the same way! I was still super hungry and sore all week long. So crazy how our bodies work.
Hope you’re feeling better!! Being sick is no fun!
You just inspired me to bring back Monday Miles – thanks for the poke, Leigha

Also, I love that your easy pace is as “slow” as mine; that’s not meant to be insulting, just kind of nice to know that the winner of a major XC race can run 9 minute plus recovery miles
easy paces are meant to be easy!
Totally not insulting
Yaaaas to 8 minute abs, strength exercises, AND complete rest days! I’ve found that on some rest days, I’m quite sore too. It can be hard to completely rest, so kudos to you. It does the body good, and it helps you come back much stronger when you work out again!
And WOW all your food looks incredible as usual!!
It was hard at first, but by the end I was definitely enjoying the rest, lol! I can say that since starting to work out again I feel rejuvenated
thanks girl!