Sorry for going missing this past week but I have been having quite the adventures!
It’s crazy how your night can change in the blink of an eye.
When I was 18 months old I got bit by a dog on my head and had to go to the ER. Since then I’ve always been a little scared of dogs but I was pretty much over it. Although I will say that whenever a dog starts running at me, even if it’s friendly, I always tense up.
A few nights ago my mom and I were doing our nightly bike ride, going down a street almost as well known to me as my own. Suddenly a huge pit bull mix charged at me and before I knew it had bit me and ran away.
I stopped and started crying (lol promise I’m not a wimp). My leg hurt, but I was more shaken up than anything. My pants weren’t ripped but I knew the bite wasn’t just a little nip. Once we moved the pants there was teeth marks and blood. It instantly turned purple from bruising.
Since it broke the skin we had to go down to the police station to report it. He advised us to go to the ER since it was Memorial Day weekend and the doctor wouldn’t be open for three more days.
The nurses were all SO nice and careful and made me feel welcome. They cleaned and bandaged me right up, got me some antibiotics, and around midnight my mom and I were all set.
We were both super hungry so we went to the only place open that late – Mueller’s! It was basically greasy cardboard but it did the job.
I believe everything happens for a reason and am in no way angry about what happened. The dog could have gotten me much worse or it could have been a little kid that he got. I’m completely fine and could run the next day. I definitely had a guardian angel watching over me!
Have you ever been bit by a dog?
ps sorry for pretty much showing you my butt but as the nurse told me… I literally got “bit in the ass”. hahaha!
Oh my gosh leigha! That looks so sore im sqwemish (i have no idea how to spell that) so skipped most of the pictures with blood lol the bruise is so bad! I hope its better soon <3 well done for your positive attitude and for yet another amazing photograph at the start of this post
Haha yeah it’s a pretty good bruise! It doesn’t hurt really so that’s good! Thanks Lucy
I was out running today and a dog chased me i started to sprint worrying id get bit like you xD
I’m scared of dogs and I’ve never been bit! I’m so sorry that happened!! You have a great attitude about it and I’m glad to hear, other than some bleeding and bruising, you’re alright!!
It’s so weird… it doesn’t even hurt! I’m not complaining though
thanks Faith!
Oh no!!! I am so sorry to hear that. How awful! Especially when you think about the fact that you already was a bit afraid of dogs.
I amsolutely despise dog owner who can’t control their dogs! A bit more than a year ago I walked my own little dog (who’s sweet – promise) when suddently a Alsatian attacked her. She had to get an operation (general anaesthesia and everything…) – just because the stupid owner didn’t know how to control his freak dog. Ough…
It is a bit more serious when the dog bite a human though – I feel so sorry for you! I hope you’ll get well soon
Josefine, I am SO sorry for you and your dog!! How terrible. I can’t even imagine having to go through something worse than my bite. I am feeling fine now, just a big bruise!
As a nurse the photos didn’t bother me other than how you must feel about dogs in the future. Too bad…I’m a dog lover. My concern is for the person (child or otherwise) that will be bit by this dog eventually. I hope that is prevented. Glad you didn’t have any trouble running, but man! That looks painful!
I still do want to get a dog someday… preferably a big cuddly one that loves everyone
Haven’t had a chance to tell you yet but CONGRATS on selling your house!! I’m loving all the pictures! I want to come visit so bad
Aww thanks so much! We are super excited, loving the area and UP life. My husband grew up here so is used to it but omg the mosquitos are eating me alive! Lol
Hahaha mosquitoes are pretty much terrible. Bug spray is a lifesaver!
Ahh I just got around to reading this (obviously), but I am so sorry this happened to you!! That is one nasty bite! I would have cried too. It’s the shock of the event that’s the worst. I’m glad you’re okay and that you can still run! You’re such a trooper.
I’ve never been bitten by a dog, but I’m still kinda wary when dogs get their mouths get close to me. My best friend Daliza got bit once, and now she has a fear of dogs. It seems so scary!
The shock is definitely what got to me.. I’ve had pain much worse that I didn’t cry about! But thanks Alison. I am so lucky it wasn’t worse.
ps HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I hope you had the most wonderful day!!
Alison called you a trooper–now you are the Yooper-Trooper Girl! Bless your heart! I am a dog lover, but dogs that bite need to “cross the Rainbow Bridge” (ie, die!) so that good dogs can have homes! I am so glad that your mom was with you when it happened, that you weren’t by yourself. I’m so glad it wasn’t any worse and that your positive attitude is in tact. Clearly, NOTHING CAN STOP YOU!!!
lol! I was just listening to Super Trouper by ABBA too
yes, it’s such a blessing my mom was with me! I have no idea what I’d have done if I was alone!
i have never been bitten by a dog but my 12 year old friend got bitten really bad in the bum by a puppy that wasn’t her’s and she had to go to the hospital and get 9 stitches in her bum
the puppy is my other friends dog his name is nemo and his a mix between a shiuz and a cocer spanle and his 8 weeks old it’s was a big shock he normally a very sweet friendly dog my friend was just siting on a bed reading a book with her boyfriend and nemo just ran up and bit her on the bum i told my other friend the one that owns the puppy not the 12 year old one that got bitten to take Nemo to a training class so that he’ll learn not to bit people anymore she angered with me thank goodness i hop my 12 year old friend is ok now