I used to live to blog. Every single thing I did was so I could write a post about it. I guess that was somewhat okay because I was battling depression and it gave me something to value and look forward to. It’s like I felt that something only mattered if there was proof it happened.
Things have changed a little.
I’m living life. I’m doing spontaneous things and not worrying about when I’ll have the time to write about them. I’m enjoying this beautiful life and all the experiences I’m having.
This is coming atcha a few days late but it’s the first time I’ve had the time to sit down and sort pictures and write. (Actually, I could have done it earlier but sleep sounded better:)
With all that said… here are a tonna pictures from Saturday – the first day of what will be many summer days spent with wonderful friends in the great outdoors.
It’s the third year I’m writing about the annual Geocaching event (past years here and here) and I can’t get over how cool it is that I’ve blogged about each time. That’s the reason I still will write about things like this – I think it will be so neat to go back in years and see what I was doing. I guess it’s my own personal Facebook.
Round one (of three:)Decided I wanted almond butter.
From there we went to get a prom dress!! Obviously not going to post the real one (yet!) but here are some of the rejects. I can not WAIT for Saturday!
Had to rush back to make it in time for the flash mob!
The theme this year was superheroes. Mom is awesome for going all out.
Then I hung out with Olivia for some bike riding and exploring!
I’d just like to point out that my sweatshirt says yooper girl. Thanks Grandma ♥
The day’s not even done yet. Fish fry for dinner!
It might look like vanilla but it’s French Toast ice cream. This is what dreams are made of.
Met up with some friends for flashlight tag/capture the flag/ghost in the graveyard. Because it’s fun to be a kid again.
Again… I know posts are getting less and less frequent. I’m not in any way considering quitting the blog. But I’m just so busy living life and cutting back on technology. If that means eating brownies from the pan and ice cream from the carton at 1 o’clock in the morning because you are starving and just got home… I’m okay with that.
Love you all.
Okay, a few thoughts

1. I love your posts, Leigha! And I’m so glad that you’re living life, too, and not living to blog. I started out posting 5 days per week and looking back on it, that’s kind of crazy now with all of the other things I have going on! I think I read lots about how consistency and lots of posts were so important for building up a blog..but I realized that living real life is more important, and blogging can fill in the extra space
2. You and your mom are so cute together!
3. And I love the end of your post haha- digging into a pan of brownies when getting home at 1 in the morning sounds exactly like something I would do (and have probably done before!)
Thanks Liv!! Yeah.. I used to post almost everyday! I didn’t think anything of it at the time, but looking back I can’t imagine doing that!
Thank you:)
Brownies are good for the soul.
Leigha, I LOVE your sweatshirt!! Have a blast at prom– I can not wait to see all the pictures
Ahh thanks girl!
Love this:)
Oh my gosh I love your gramma for making that sweatshirt! Ahhh prom those were the days…enjoy! By the way I’ll be passing on your drivers test tips to my daughter as she just started drivers training today. Yikes! Watch out people!
lol! I hope it goes great for her
thanks Meghan!
Absolutely love this post. I understand the feeling of living life in the full. So proud of who you are. You astound me with your talent and creativity.
As usual, I can say the same things about you. Thanks love <3
I am so happy to hear you are getting better at just living without having to srite about it. That is definitely a big step forward.
You go girl!
I really have to learn how to be more spontanous too. I’ve been struggling with something lika you and know how incredibly hard it is. You are so cool and strong – and I am proud of you
I guess it’s something you just have to let go – accept whatever happens and you’ll find that it’s a pretty good time! Thanks love
Yaaassss. So good for you, girl. I can absolutely relate to previously being SO devoted to blogging. I would lose sleep and time with friends/family in order to get a post up. After coming to college though, I realized that: a) I need to study first. b) I also need to live and experience life around me. My first semester of college has FLOWN by, and it would have been a shame to miss out because of blogging, even though I love love love blogging.
It looks like you’re having an amazing time with your family and friends, and I can’t wait to see/hear about prom!!! Also, I can’t believe you are geocaching again already. I feel like you JUST posted about last year’s geocaching event!
Ugh. SO happy I’m not losing sleep anymore. Yes I would have a new post, but the crabbiness I felt the whole next day was terrible!
Blogging will always be there… making new memories with friends and family won’t!
1.I totally love your posts I enjoy the wait and always know they are goign to be great.I can totally understand about having huge gaps between vlogs theres over a month between the one i posted today and the i posted before it
Im just enjoyed life! <3 i busy but I dont know why…..
2.I love the look of that fish fry!! and french toast ice cream…am i dreaming?!
3.I bet yourgoign to look amazing at prom and hoep you have a greta day
Finally thanks for your wonderful post
Thank you so much Lucy! It’s good to hear from you! I’m glad to hear you’re loving life