I apologize for going missing so much lately. Life has just been SO GOOD. Like, I don’t want to sit on the computer when I could be going on bike rides, walks, having bonfires, working, going to the beach, grad parties, having picnics, playing music, hanging wit frands.
I have pictures and a few videos from life lately to post! All with bad iPhone quality
band concert
my duet with Annika!
ADD ME ON SNAPCHAT! @leighawoelffer
I’m addicted.
track finals! Will write a post about the season soon.
from Insta: Memorial Day with family!
late night hungriness // Cinnamon Toast Crunch is SO GOOD
I think this is a lot funnier than it probably is. lol
That just about covers life recently. I’m not sure how often posts will be coming this summer but I do have some that I just have to get written up. As for what’s on my agenda these next three months… SAN FRANCISCO in ten days!! My cousin’s wedding in a few weeks… Michigan Tech for a week after that… a 25k… another half marathon… maybe another trip… ENJOY summer because it sure is a beautiful thing.
♥ you’s all so much.
But really, add me on Snapchat bc I’m obsessed.
I love your last day of school outfit! I blog so little these days..life is good eh?
hope you have a great summer!!
Thanks Lucy
yes life is wonderful and I’m not going to miss it!
GIRL. It looks like you are living it up, and I am so happy for you!!! My high school chorus sang The Lion Sleeps Tonight once as well. You sounded amazing in the duet!!
I haven’t been on Snapchat very recently, but now I want to check it just to see your stories
And as always, your food looks fantastic. I’ll take some of everything.
It’s one of my favorite songs. Thank you!!
The addiction to Snapchat is seriously getting bad. Hehehe.
Looks like you are having the time of your life! I am so happy to know you have that
I am kind of jalous – just taking a break from all the revision for my exams… Well, it cheers me up to see these happy pictures. Enjoy your time sweetie!
Best of luck on all your exams!! (They’re probably done now..:) I hope you’re enjoying this summer weather, girl!
San Francisco is so fun! I hope you enjoy yourself! We rode a tandem bike across the golden gate bridge, and it was windy and fun!
Ohhh that sounds SO fun!! Maybe I can do that!
summer + friends + amazing food, WE NEED TO MEET ASAP. We kinda love all the same things. You seriously look like you are absolutely loving life. I can’t wait to hear about all the fun things you do this summer. On a serious note, if you ever make it down to Austin, Texas, I’ll be there and would love to take you around (and bring Ms. Alison from Daily Moves and Grooves
Um I’m actually considering taking a trip down south because my life will not be complete until we meet irl. If mom even lets me I’ll shoot you an email soon
I’m SO behind on blog reading. I feel like I haven’t heard about your life in ages, lol. I love that you can eat lunch on the beach. If only Indiana had beaches…I’ve been dying to go back since I left California over 3 months ago…
You know you can always come and have lunch with me
are you going to Mackinac at all this year?!
Have you ever been to torch lake? It is our family favorite!
I have not been to Torch Lake! We want to take a trip to Traverse City this summer so maybe we will make a stop there
It is definitely worth it!!